Monday, October 10, 2022

GOP Deserves New Name: "Hypocrites R Us" Seems to Fit Nicely Other Suggestions Welcome

Fits the new GOP to a Trump “T”

On this topic: Two GOP loudmouths
[Rep. Boebert (CO) & Sen. Blackburn (TN)]

Republicans like those listed below do not deserve to remain in office – like many before them, they vote against a good public-interest bill and then come in asking for money from the bill for their state or district … that defines hypocrisy and these examples are not the first of many now serving in the GOP (and some DEMS just to be fair).

The issue is the public infrastructure bill that is now law – the story headline and related article also seen here:

“GOPers who rant about socialism while privately begging for infrastructure cash”

These are a few of GOP hypocrites (there are others):

1. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN) called the infrastructure bill: “President Biden’s multi-trillion dollar socialist wish list” and he voted no.

2. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) was one of the most vocal opponents of the bill in the House, calling it “wasteful and garbage” in November 2021 and vowing to “hold these fake republicans accountable,” [RINOS: Republicans in Name Only] who broke party ranks and voted for the bill.

3. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) also criticized the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act last year, accusing Democrats of “using fuzzy math and IOU’s to hide the real cost” (even though the bill was deficit-neutral).

4. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) also accused Biden of promoting “the America Last’s socialist agenda” that was “completely lacking fiscal responsibility.” And he also sent not just one, but three separate projects to Buttigieg between March and July asking for a piece of the action.

5. Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX) called the bill nothing more than a “socialist plan full of crushing taxes and radical spending.” Then the Army Corps of Engineers announced funding a $403-million flood control project in her Fort Worth district, she wasted no time in hailing the effort and money saying how great it was.

6. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), GOP House minority whip, voted no and then praised in a news release, $400 million in initiatives made possible by the law that mitigate flooding in his district.

7. Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) voted no but whose district spans the southern part of the Bayou State similarly applauded more than $190 million for waterway projects in his district.

Other Republicans who opposed the bill include:

Rep. Carlos Giménez (R-FL); Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK); Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA); Rep. Andy Barr (R-KY); Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY); and Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)

FYI: Sen. Paul sent ten letters and Sen. Blackburn sent nine.

My 2 Cents: There is only one word to describe those named in this post and that is: Hypocrites.

Yet they all seem to stay in office even after these disgusting stunts are made public and then we wonder why our government is so fouled up.

May I suggest the GOP base of voters who tolerate this kind of broken and non-effective government supposedly on their behalf peer in the nearest mirror to see the real problem and real solution?

Thanks for stopping by.

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