Saturday, October 8, 2022

The Real Donald J. Trump: He is Not the Man His Loyalists Worship & Follow — Not One Bit

Mental Health Expert Assessment 

A rather long and detailed article from RAW about who Trump really truly is with this headline article full for facts (formatted to fit the blog):

“Warlord Trump now targets his enemies — and you won't believe who's first on his list”

Donald J. Trump aspires to be a warlord.

He publicly admires despots, tyrants, and other authoritarian leaders who kill their enemies and take away the rights of anyone who opposes them.

Mental health professionals have repeatedly warned that Trump is likely a sociopath with an erotic attraction to violence and mayhem.

He has repeatedly shown that he has no regard for the rule of law, democracy, human rights, or other restrictions on his behavior.

He encourages his followers and allies to engage in acts of terrorism and other violence on his behalf. The most notable example of that came, of course, on January 6, 2021 during the assault on the Nation’s Capitol with the sole purpose to stop the 2020 election EC vote certification and thus keep Trump in power after losing to Joe Biden.

On this point, Trump has been limited by his cowardice since he prefers to have others engage in violence on his behalf instead of directly ordering such acts or participating in them himself.

Matters are now in flux. Trump is under investigation by the DOJ and other law enforcement agencies in NYS, GA, and DC. He may face serious consequences for his lawbreaking for the first time.

As George Conway described in a recent conversation with Salon, Trump is ready to lash out:

Trump is basically a cornered animal. He's got all these legal proceedings bearing down on him. In addition, he is losing his touch and his connection to his public, because his act has become very tiresome. That explains why Trump is embracing the QAnon conspiracy.”

He's doing that because of his narcissism: He's feeling attacked, and for the first time in his life, he is facing real consequences for his actions. The DOJ and other investigations have caused Trump to suffer a narcissistic injury. Trump is in a downward psychological, emotional and physical spiral.”

His recent embrace of QAnon shows how extreme his deterioration is. But here is the problem for the rest of us: Donald Trump is not going to go away immediately. He is going to try to use the electoral process, and threats of violence, to regain power and influence.”

Then Trump will say that he can't control what people do because they are so angry at how he is being treated by President Joe Biden, AG Merrick Garland, the DOJ, the various prosecutors, judges, the news media, and so on.

Trump is going to make things much worse in this country before things finally get better.”

Ultimately, as Donald Trump becomes more desperate, he will reveal more of his true self: A violent predator who will almost always attack instead of retreating or otherwise surrendering.

Trump recently took one more step on this journey when he threatened the life of GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). 

On his social media platform “TRUTH Social,” Trump accused McConnell of having a “death wish because he has (on a few specific occasions) supported legislation sponsored by Democrats.” 

Trump then used a racial slur to describe McConnell's wife, former Trump administration Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, calling her “his China loving wife, Coco Chow!”

Political scientist Brian Klaas, author of “The Despot's Apprentice: Donald Trump's Attack on Democracywrote on Twitter that Trump's threats were: Totally detached from reality, inciting political violence — putting a target on a senior member of the U.S. Senate — and a new racist nickname. We can't just pretend this isn't happening, because these posts are radicalizing more and more extremists every day.”

Also, in a recent interview on MSNBC, Mary Trump, a clinical psychologist as well as Trump's niece, and author of the family memoir “Too Much and Never Enough” offered this ominous and direct warning: “Everything Donald has done is a prelude to worse things to come.”

Continue this very excellent Raw Story article here; it is a must-read for sure.

My 2 Cents: Not much to add to this fine review of who Trump truly is except to say that it is an excellent record of the man and the danger he still poses. 

It is clear that we must ensure that Trump is never anywhere near the White House and especially in the Oval Office ever again.

Thanks for stopping by.

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