Monday, July 18, 2022

Our Future in Jeopardy: Wild Slate of GOP Candidates; Many Now in Congress; More Forthcoming


Trump's replacement for 2024: The most outré
(GOP hopes running high about that)

Who is a more hypocritical, two-faced, wishy-washy, back peddling, pick & choose, two-stepping, raw hyper partisan person in office on most critical issues who fans the flames of political division in the country right now?

Probably no one tops Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) – other than Trump and handful of other GOPers – but probably no one comes as close on the most critical issue facing us today: Our rights as Americans are under attack on many GOP fronts.

Standing up to DeSantis or Trump is a tough slog for many if not for most of us. A lot of that is based on this story (plus tons of DeSantis comments and policies) reported on here from (and written by one of my fav writers: Heather “Digby” Parton with this headline (formatted to fit the blog):

Ron DeSantis, culture war king, suspiciously silent on the biggest culture war battle of our time

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) signed Florida's 15-week abortion ban into law at Nacion de Fe Church in Kissimmee FL. The law went into effect July 1. It bans abortion the procedures after 15 weeks and without exemptions for rape, incest, or human trafficking. It does allow exemptions in cases where a pregnancy is a serious risk to the mother, or a fatal fetus abnormality is detected, and if two physicians confirm that in writing.

The GOP's most aggressive culture warrior, Ron DeSantis, gave the keynote address at the first annual “The Liberty Moms” meeting in Tampa, Florida last weekend. He was there to lend his explosive star power to their self-described agenda of “battling mask mandates in schools, banning library books that address sexuality and gender identity, and curtailing lessons on racial inequity and discrimination.”

He is, in fact, their one true leader, using their authoritarian intimidation platform as his re-election agenda and possible springboard to the White House.

Considering his position as a general in the culture war, you'd think that DeSantis would be first in line with abortion bans and fugitive pregnant women laws like so many of his fellow GOP leaders. Instead, he stood by silently while the Ohio AG rushed right into the fray to doubt the now confirmed story of a 10-year-old rape victim who had to be transported to Indiana by her mother to obtain an abortion because she missed the 6-week deadline by 3 days.

Not to be outdone, the Indiana AG immediately declared that he would investigate the doctor who performed the procedure even though abortion is still legal in the state (for the time being.)

The state of Texas, meanwhile, got the conservative judiciary involved by suing the Biden administration over its guidance that emergency rooms are still obligated to perform abortions in case of a medical emergency, calling it an “attempt to use federal law to transform every emergency room in the country into a walk-in abortion clinic” and “forcing hospitals and doctors to commit crimes and risk their licensure under Texas law.”

And with a bracing amount of clarity even Texas can't claim, Idaho Republicans voted to reject a life of the mother exception from its party platform. Talk about pushing the envelope.

And at the federal level, Senate Republicans helpfully blocked a bill that would have protected the right of pregnant people to travel from one state to another. It's probably only a matter of days before a state passes a law restricting such movement.

These and other actions in red states all over the country show that DeSantis is behind the right-wing curve. 

He defended the state's ban on abortions after 15 weeks, “without exception for rape and incest, and blandly offered to work to expand pro-life protections” – but that's about it. 

Beyond that, he's been uncharacteristically reluctant to wade into this the greatest culture battle of our time.

The NY Times explained that he is under pressure from Republicans to adopt the draconian measures that have electrified the anti-abortion zealots throughout the country but he remains reluctant because he feels it might hurt his chances at re-election and a possible presidential run.

It's rare for DeSantis to be out of step with the extreme right but on this one he is and in a big way.

My 2 Cents: A lot of info above vis-à-vis Gov. DeSantis who seems like he wants to change the nation via his FL policies and outrageous laws, ideas, and such and do it from White House or so it seems. 

In my view based on his statements and actions and such is that the GOP will line up behind him as he comes across as a DNA-connection to Trump or in other words a “Mini-Donald.”

That would be bad news for the nation as a whole just like so many other radical far-right groups worried sick about losing any political power and clout they have left and believe me, they are losing it with each looney candidate they put up for office whether in Congress, at the State, or local levels. In short they do anything to stay in power.

Here is the kind of group I mean. They are new on the scene of insanity, but they are a growing threat nevertheless – they are known as “The Patriot Front.”

I posted about them here spotted in Boston on July 3.

These people are hell bent on changing America into their image and folks, it won’t be pretty. 

Then wait and see after they start backing candidates like DeSantis and other like-mind ultra-conservative loons running for Congress and then the presidency. 

All of them combined and growing are now a very serious concern to our national stability and democracy. And believe me, our adversaries are paying close attention to these dramatic changes in our way of life. That too is troublesome.

Thanks for stopping by

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