Thursday, July 21, 2022

J-6 Public Hearing: Number 8 on July 21 at 8 PM - Overview of Focus Outlined Below

Liar-in-Chief more craziness on FOX naturally

Just tourists who wanted to see the EC process

Who is a “clear and present danger” to our Democracy other than Donald J. Trump in his role in planning, authorizing, ordering, and supporting the January 6 insurrection.

Well, I’d have to say probably half if not more than half of Republican members now serving in House and Senate (a precise number is not known, but more than half I’m sure would reach that level) here from SALON.

Part of that question is this headline  regarding the January 6 next hearing (their 8th) (key parts extracted to fit the blog):

The January 6 committee plans to ‘humiliate’ dismissive Republicans who ‘cowered’ during attack

The committee's second prime-time public hearing will be on Thursday, July 21 at 8 pm. It will focus in part on the actions of Republicans that boosted former President Donald Trump's “Big Lie” and sought to block the certification of election results.

The committee has plans to paint a really striking picture of some of Trump's greatest Congressional enablers of his attempted coup plot were, no matter what they're saying now or since. If any of these lawmakers (five listed below) were capable of shame, they would be humiliated.

The committee has already highlighted the reactions of numerous Republican lawmakers to the riot, including some (9 or so that we know of – but perhaps more) that sought advance or preemptive pardons from Trump in the wake of the attack. It's unclear which lawmakers the panel would target but some lawmakers have already had their efforts to downplay the attack blow up in their face:

They wanted preemptive pardons from Trump
(Pardons are for crimes committed ... oops)

·  Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) described the riot as a normal tourist visit before social media users posted photos of him barricading a door to the House chamber while hiding behind an armed Capitol Police officer as rioter broke in.

·  Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) said the riot was largely a peaceful protest

·  Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) baselessly blamed the violence at the Capitol on nonexistent Antifa members. Plus, five days after the attack on the Capitol, he sent an email with the subject line: “Pardons” to the White House requesting a blanket pardon for himself and Matt Gaetz, and for more than 140 other Republican lawmakers who signed onto a Texas lawsuit that objected to certifying President Biden’s win in the 2020 election (that according to a letter revealed by the January 6 committee).

·  Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) along with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and a few others suggested that FBI informants may have been responsible for the violence. They also cast those arrested for alleged riot offenses as political prisoners.

My 2 Cents: Far too much these days, we all see and hear the ugly ranting and blasts at about how bad President Biden is in office, but seldom about Trump; or about the awful DEMS in general; and of course their support for the denials about the 2020 election that parrots Trump’s “Big Lie.”

Those examples above are just a small but an important larger sample of just how awful this “new” Trump owned and operated GOP truly is.

What has happened to the old Bob Dole type of GOP?

Today for sure it appears to made up of members who: (1) Fear the Wrath and Revenge from Trump; (2) fear of losing their seats in Congress; (3) or plainly they are just a hardnosed modern bunch of Know-nothings who are reliving the 1850’s? 

Either way, they all are truly a “clear and present danger” as they famously blame everyone except themselves – which is Trump 101. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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