Saturday, July 16, 2022

GOP 2020 Deniers: One Face Public & One Private but Always Staunch Trump Sycophant

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) & Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH)
(Classic two-faced Trump loyalists)

Interesting and yet typically a GOP hypocritical stunt reported on here from The Hill with this headline:

“U.S. election deniers promote democracy abroad defies reason”

Introduction: Forty years ago on June 8, 1982, in a speech to the British parliament President Ronald W. Reagan (R-CA) heralded the role that established democracies should play in assisting countries moving from authoritarianism toward democracy. Critics questioned the sincerity of this appeal given U.S. support to dictators simply because they identified as anti-communists. 

Nonetheless, there was no doubt that Reagan accepted the fundamental premise of U.S. democracy as:Political power flows through elections and the loser must accept the results if the system is to be sustained.”

Following Reagan’s speech, Congress funded the creation of several institutions, including the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), to support efforts to establish democracy. 

Representatives of these organizations, in their work overseas, have often found themselves having to explain idiosyncrasies of the U.S. system such as the Electoral College (EC); gerrymandering of districts; the oversized role of money in U.S. electoral politics; and, the fact that chief election officers themselves are selected through partisan elections. 

Nonetheless, drawing on more than 200 years of peaceful transitions from George Washington onward, democracy promoters could cite the reality that election losers always accepted the results, no matter how disappointing.

More from the Hill story: Today we witness and endure Trump, who cannot concede his loss to Joe Biden in the 2020 election and along with his “Big Lie” and many Republicans in tow who still preach the “Big Lie” lie (e.g., in the photo above).

Trump not only refused to accept the result, even after numerous court challenges were repeatedly rejected (over 62 to date), but he sought to fabricate a narrative of fraud, convince state legislatures to falsify election results, and worst of all, he called supporters into the D.C. streets to prevent the vice president and members of Congress from performing their constitutional duties on January 6.

If Trump’s actions had taken place in another country, democracy promotion organizations (like NED) would have denounced them as violating fundamental and commonly accepted international norms of democratic practice.

Some suggest NED board members are capable of separating their partisan perspectives from their commitment to support democracy abroad. 

Others say organizations need individuals from across the political spectrum to project bipartisan support for their work. Taking action against board members based on their political orientations would torpedo their carefully cultivated bipartisan image and, if budget cuts are made, could undermine global pro-democracy efforts. Thus, our Democracy is in a serious crisis mode right now.

Given this experience, there are concerns that efforts to advance democracy abroad may be compromised by board members of publicly-funded U.S. democracy promotion organizations who continue to deny the legitimacy of the 2020 elections. That concern is exacerbated by the presence of an active promoter of Trumps “Big Lie” sitting on the board of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). 

That NED board member is Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) (for the record my Rep. in congress) not only voted against the certification of the EC to confirm Joe Biden as President, but who has also become a leading promoter of other debunked conspiracy theories surrounding the 2020 election still pushed by Trump.

Concerned NED staff raised the seeming incompatibility of Stefanik serving as a democracy promoter abroad while being associated with the “Big Lie” at home. 

Yet this year, the NED board renewed Stefanik for another term.  

My insert: I closely follow Ms. Stefanik’s voting record and public statements and speeches and such. Over the years that all convinces me that she is and will always will be a rabid flip-flopping partisan for her own advancement as a showboating, grandstanding, PR seeker and not much else despite her speeches and press releases, Her actions truly do speak louder than her staged clever rhetoric.

It is wise at this point in our history as DOJ ponders (or not) whether to indict and press charges against Trump for his many crimes related the January 6 insurrection that to recall the words of John Stuart Mill who said in 1867: “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends than that good men should look on and do nothing.”

My 2 Cents: As I’ve said for a very long time and more now more so since a growing number of prominent Republicans, seen here from Business Insider; here also from Business Insider; here from the NY Times; and here from Sen. Mitt Romney (all renowned Republicans and many legal experts) say the evidence is overwhelming and DOJ indictment of Trump is the only solution to seeing justice preserved and to profess again as Theodore Roosevelt said in his address to Congress in 1903: 


Related is my earlier post here.

Thanks for stopping by.

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