Friday, December 3, 2021

Gun "Bump Stock" Ban: U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit Keeps the Ban in Place


GunBump stockhighlighted above 
(Type used in the 2017 Reno mass killing)

Good Appeals Court ruling: “Bump stock ban remains in place.”

That story here from The Hill with this headline:

Bump stock ban remains intact after appeals court deadlocks

A tie vote by a federal appeals court Friday left intact a Trump-era ban on “bump stock devices that modify semi-automatic rifles to fire more rapidly” (pictured above).

The 8-8 vote by the Cincinnati-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit affirmed the ruling of a lower court judge who upheld the Federal ban in 2019.

The Trump administration outlawed the devices after a gunman in Las Vegas in 2017 used the rapid-fire accessory to kill 58 people and wounding nearly 600 in the deadliest shooting in modern U.S. history.

The court sided with the administration's argument that the ban falls within the scope of authority Congress gave federal agencies to regulate machine guns as seen here in the Federal Register.

It was not clear if the challengers, led by the group Gun Owners of America, would seek relief in the Supreme Court and their lawyers did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

FYI: The Supreme Court last year declined to take up a separate legal effort by gun rights advocates to overturn the bump stock ban.

My 2 Cents: A very good and smart ruling … hopefully the USSC will stick with their 2019 ruling and keep the ban in place.

The NRA stance is somewhat of a surprise but shrewd at the same time seen here. However, many hardcore gun nuts will go into a deep trance and probably fight this ban – we shall see, right now this was a very wise decision.

Thanks for stopping by.

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