Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Top Issues We Face: Defeating COVID & Stopping GOP's Assault on Our Voting Rights


2020 (66%) Highest Turnout since 1900 (74%)
(In the middle of the Covid pandemic)

Excellent data and update from the election tracking experts at the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU – with this headline:

Voting Laws Roundup: October 2021

In an unprecedented year so far for voting legislation, 19 states have enacted 33 laws that will make it harder for Americans to vote.

The 2020 federal election drew the United States’ highest voter turnout in more than a century, breaking records despite the Covid-19 pandemic and efforts to undermine the election process with Trump’s the “Big Lie” of a stolen election

(Note: All evidence proves it was not including over 60 Court cases ruling against Trump claims).

In a backlash to this historic voter participation, many state lawmakers (clinging to Trump and his “Big Lie”) have proposed and enacted legislation to make it harder for Americans to vote, justifying these measures with falsehoods steeped in racism about election irregularities and breaches of election security.

In all but seven states, regular legislative sessions are now over.

Between January 1 and September 27, at least 19 states enacted 33 laws that make it harder for Americans to vote.

At the same time, lawmakers in many states responded to Americans’ eagerness to vote by making it easier for eligible voters to cast their ballots.

Between January 1 and September 27, at least 25 states enacted 62 laws with provisions that expand voting access.

But this expansive legislation does not balance the scales.

The states that have enacted restrictive laws tend to be ones in which voting is already relatively difficult, while the states that have enacted expansive laws tend to have relatively more accessible voting processes.

In other words, access to the right to vote increasingly depends on the state in which a voter happens to reside. 

However, Congress has the power to protect American voters from the kinds of restrictions enacted so far this year with these two key pieces of Federal legislation still pending in the Senate:

1. The Freedom to Vote Act (FVA), which is currently before the Senate, is a comprehensive package of voting, redistricting, and campaign finance reforms. It includes national standards for voting that would ensure access to the ballot across state lines.

2. The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which passed in the House, would complement the FVA).

In many instances, it would prevent changes to voting rules that discriminate on the basis of race or membership in language minority groups from being implemented, and it would restore voters’ robust ability to challenge discriminatory laws. 

Three of the four omnibus restrictive laws were enacted in states that would be subject to preclearance under the John Lewis Act (FL, GA, and TX). 

Continue this excellent Brennan Center article here – it is worth reading and keeping as a bookmark for data.

My 2 Cents: As I said an excellent article and from the best election-related trackers ever – very reputable and trustworthy. Their home site has tons of information to dispel false reporting, rumors, and of course the “Big Lie” still circulating widely with Trump’s firm grip on a huge portion of the GOP base who still sticks with him in the face of the truth and facts that 2020 was the most-secure election ever. 

Trump can’t let go of his lies on that point – he can’t accept the harsh reality that he lost and Joe Biden won – just that simple. 

Trump should never be allowed to sit in the Oval Office again. He is as I’ve said before incorrigible, yet his control over the GOP is wide and very dangerous with their movement to restrict our right to vote free, fair, safe, and secure. 

Trump's and those harsh GOP tactics outlined above must not be allowed to stand. 

Thanks for the stopping by.

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