Monday, November 22, 2021

Tucker Carlson: Top of Fox's Wacko Scumbag Conspiracy Nut Case Peddler List

Whoa — me peddle lies — now I'm gonna cry

Rational story from several reputable sources covering Fox's Tucker Carlson and his lies and conspiracies vis-à-vis the January 6 insurrection first here from The Guardian with this headline:

“Tucker Carlson condemned over ‘false flag’ claim about deadly January 6 Capitol attack”

Also here from The Business Insider with these points:

·  Tucker Carlson's new documentary baselessly suggests the January 6 riot was a false flag.

·  The trailer for “Patriot Purge” includes claims it was part of a plot to persecute conservatives.

·  Carlson has previously pushed similar baseless ideas, such as the notion the FBI plotted the riot.

Then from The Wrap with their headline:

“Two Longtime Fox News Contributors Resign Over Tucker Carlson’s Capitol Riot Special”

Longtime Fox News contributors Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes have opted to leave the network to protest Tucker Carlson’s recent Fox Nation special “Patriot Purge” about the January 6 riot at the Capitol, citing concern that the program will “lead to violence.” 

Goldberg and Hayes exchanged texts after the trailer for the Fox Nation special was released on October 27, with Goldberg saying:I’m tempted just to quit Fox over this.” 

Hayes agreed, replying:I’m game. Totally outrageous. It will lead to violence. Not sure how we can stay.”

Described as a three-part documentary about the January 6 Capitol riot, “Patriot Purge(pay to watch so Fox can rake in big bucks) is filled with conspiracy theories and an assortment of lies about the events of the day – including one that Carlson says was actually a “false flagdesigned to make conservatives look bad.

Note: False Flag defined usage here from Columbia Journalism Review.

FYI: Among conspiracy theorists, “False Flag” events are said to be staged by the government to pursue nefarious ends.

After appearing on Fox’s online subscription streaming service on November 1 (Fox’s money maker idea) both men decided to turn in their resignations after working at the network since 2009. A Fox News spokesperson didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

The rest of the story from other links above:

Carlson continues to spread dangerous conspiracy theories in the latest scandal to engulf him, a man whose popularity belies his record of racist and untrue statements on issues from immigration to racial justice and now in his 3-part documentary: “Patriot Purge,” sponsored by and apt to be a big money maker for Carlson and Fox about the January 6 insurrection.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) for example writes:Fox News is giving Tucker Carlson a platform to spread the same type of lies that provoked violence on 6 January.”

ADL's Jonathan Greenblatt wrote to Lachlan Murdoch, chief executive of Fox Corporation, to demand the series be shelved saying:  Clearly Carlson has the right to make outrageous claims. But freedom of speech is not freedom of reach. You have no obligation to validate his views with airtime on your platform and, I would argue, a moral responsibility not to do so.”

In the trailer for Carlson’s series, “Patriot Purge” the voice over says: False flags have happened in this country, one of which may have been 6 January.” 

Carlson also called January 6: “A political protest that got out of hand organized by the FBI.”

Other well-known “False Flag” claims:

1.  Claim that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were “False Flags.”

2.  Alex Jones (“Info Wars’), a staunch Trump ally and supporter; now in legal and financial jeopardy claimed that the Sandy Hook school shooting (2012) was a “False Flag” in which 20 children and six adults were killed. 

Five people including a Trump supporter shot by law enforcement and a police officer died around the Capitol attack. The riot followed a “Stop the Steal” rally near the White House at which Trump told supporters to march on Congress and “fight like hell” to overturn the election.

Trump was impeached for inciting an insurrection. 

However, Trump is now free to run for office again, also now fundraising strongly and dominating polls regarding possible candidates for 2024.

Trump has stuck to his lie that the election was stolen, a claim rejected by his own AG (Barr), numerous Republican officials in key states, and a succession of judges and over 60 court cases including 3-4 USSC rulings against him. 

However, the Republican Party still clings to Trump, and in many ways seeks down play the events of 6 January, a day which now has led to more than 600 arrests.

My 2 Cents: Simply stated is that Fox must fire Tucker Carlson ASAP and stop peddling and allowing this kind of conspiracy crap over their network. 

People all over Fox blame the DEMS for every wrong in America. My advise to them is that they need to take a long look on the nearest mirror and repeat: Conspiracy Nuts я Us every hour of every day.” 

Thanks for stopping by.

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