Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Trump's Legal Quicksand: Election 2020 Lies; State Level Woes; Many More Money-Related

Looking for a way out of this sh*thole I dug
(Can you hear me now???)

Another stunning story vis-à-vis the 2020 election and Trump’s load of crap ever since he lost – this latest is here from NEWSWEEK with this headline:

“Trump 2024 Run Could Tear Fabric of U.S. Democracy, Prominent GOP Lawyer Warns”

Stunning and another truthful assessment of crazy Trump – this from a top Republican lawyer, Ben Ginsberg, who has worked as an attorney for the GOP and top GOP candidates for some 38 years. 

He also rejects Trump's baseless claims that the 2020 election was “rigged or stolen” from him and in favor of now-President Joe Biden – who Trump says is in office illegitimately.

In his remarks to The Guardian, Ginsberg cautioned that Trump's continued efforts to remain involved in politics could cause even more serious problems for the nation's political system, saying:In 2020 Donald Trump put a huge strain on the fabric of this democracy, on the country. In 2024 the strain on the fabric could turn into a tear.”

Newsweek reached out to Trump's press office for comment but did not immediately receive a response.

Recall this:

·  Trump and his allies continue to insist that the 2020 election was “stolen,” yet they have not provided one ounce of evidence substantiating his and their extraordinary claims.

Now the truth – the whole truth and nothing but the truth:

·  More than 60 election lawsuits filed by Trump and his supporters all failed in state and federal courts (even judges appointed by Trump and other Republicans all rejected the allegations).

·  Even former AG Barr said in December: “There is no evidence of fraud that would change the election's outcome.”

·  Audits and recounts all across the country have consistently reaffirmed Biden's victory and the AZ fake audit tops that list.

· The Director of DHS’ Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Kris Krebs (a Trump appointee) described the 2020 election as the most secure in American history.  Note: Trump fired Krebs the next day for his assessment of the election outcome facts. Thus, Krebs was fired for telling the truth and doing his job.

Related updates on this same general topic here from The Hill and in my post following below.

My 2 Cents: Will Trump announce a 2024 run? I don’t think so, but he will milk it all can for the next 2 years to keep people on edge, in tow, thus see him raking in millions – since he is in serious financial trouble. Sadly, I believe that most of his loyal base will pour money into his coffer. 

All this is just my hunch or educated guess but knowing and seeing and recalling Trump over the last nearly 6 years since he announced, then his campaign, and the 2016 election, and serving for 4 years, all on top the decades before in his “business” life and such and all filled with his conning and scheming and such that we know about him, and boy-oh-boy is he good at that, we will have to wait and see.

Will he run or not? Time will tell. I believe he will not, but stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by.

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