Friday, November 26, 2021

CoVID-19 Pandemic: Ups and Downs and Progress Just as Another Variant Hits


COVID Virus no brain but smart Mutator
(Image from WebMD)

New strain possibly from S. Africa
(WHO and nations studying)

The COVID has many variants and mutations – a new one may be on the move with this headline story from USA TODAY:

World experts hold special meeting on worrying new COVID-19 variant in South Africa: Latest updates

Medical Facts: The coronavirus evolves as it spreads and many new variants, including those with worrying mutations, often just die out.

Scientists monitor for changes that could be more transmissible or deadly, but sorting out whether new variants will have a public health impact can take time.

This new variant would likely be named “Nu” — the next available letter in the Greek naming system for coronavirus variants if flagged by WHO as such.

Researchers want to measure the variant’s potential to spread globally, possibly sparking new waves of infection or exacerbating ongoing rises being driven by delta.

The new variant has also been found in Botswana and Hong Kong in travelers from South Africa, according to Health Minister Joe Phaahla. He also said the variant has seen rapid spread in Gauteng, the country’s most populous province. 

Virologists at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, told the science journal Nature that their lab is gauging the variant’s potential to dodge immunity from vaccines and previous infections.

Several nations, including Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, and Japan, have responded to news of the variant by moving to restrict air travel from several southern African countries.

The EU is recommending a ban on flights from southern African countries, despite WHO officials warning against early rash decisions.

Related article from – same subject shows a wider impact.

Extract from that article:

BRUSSELS (AP) — A slew of nations moved to stop air travel from southern Africa (November 26), as stocks plunged in Asia and Europe in reaction to news of a new, potentially more transmissible COVID-19 variant.

German Health Minister Jens Spahn, said amid a massive spike in cases in the 27-nation EU, which is recommending a ban on flights from southern African nations and adding:The last thing we need is to bring in a new variant that will cause even more problems.”

Within a few days of the discovery of the new variant, it has already impacted a jittery world that is sensitive to bad COVID-19 news with deaths around the globe now well over 5 million.

Medical experts, including the WHO, have warned against any overreaction before all elements were clear but nations who acted said their concerns were justified.

UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid told lawmakers for example: Early indications show this variant may be more transmissible than the delta variant and current vaccines may be less effective against it. We must move quickly and at the earliest possible moment.”

Belgium became the first EU country to announce a case of the variant.

Related good source of COVID information here from WebMD (October 28, 2021).

My 2 Cents: Wow – here we possibly go again… hang on tight.

Please tell anyone you know who is an anti-vaxxer to reconsider; get the shot and help saves lives (including their own).

Thanks for stopping by.

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