Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Trump Attorney at January 6 Rally: Gave 6-Point Memo to Pence to Follow & Keep Trump in Office


Trump's lawyer Eastman wanted Pence to play ball
(Follow his memo and disqualify states for Trump) 

 Very interesting and Earth shattering article here from the DAILY NEWS that shows more in depth the level that Trump stooped to stay in office during the January 6 insurrection vis-à-vis get VP Mike Pence to void the electoral final vote certification with this headline:

Trump lawyer pushed Pence to overturn presidential election with 6-point memo: Bob Woodward book

A far-right-wing lawyer for Trump reportedly sought to convince then-Vice President Mike Pence to join the effort to overturn the 2020 election using a six-point legal memo.

The outlandish memo urged Pence to use his supposed power while presiding over Congress to toss out the electoral votes from seven swing states that President Biden won, potentially allowing Trump to stay in power.

John Eastman, a former law professor at Chapman University (Orange, CA), wrote in the memo: “The fact is that the Constitution assigns this power to the Vice President as the ultimate arbiter.)

(Extracted in the forthcoming blockbuster book by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa that CNN reported).

Pence rejected the memo, which suggested he declare an impasse over dueling slates of electors from the swing states, and presided over the session of Congress on January 6 that certified Joe Biden’s win, however, the mere existence of the memo, along with other details in the book, suggest Pence was much closer to backing Trump’s plan to stay in the White House than was previously known.

The Eastman memo lays out a complex legal justification that Pence could cite to effectively toss out the election results in the states that Trump loyalists falsely claimed were tainted by fraud, like AZ, GA, MI, and PA. Without those states’ votes for Biden, the memo said Pence could declare that no candidate won the 270 electoral votes needed to win. 

The election would then go to the House of Representatives where the delegations of each state would vote for a candidate. Republicans control 26 out of 50 states, meaning they could have theoretically crowned Trump the winner.

Virtually all constitutional scholars reject Eastman’s claim and say the vice president’s role is simply to preside over the tabulation of electoral votes, not to change the votes of any states.

The book also revealed that Trump and Pence had an ugly shouting match on the eve of the January 6 rally that ended with the storming of the Capitol by rioters bent on insurrection of the government and constitutional processes. 

It also noted that Pence earlier conferred with former Vice President Dan Quayle, and fellow Indianan, who emphatically advised him to reject Trump’s scheme.

My 2 Cents: I don’t know how or when, but Trump needs prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law – since, clearly he was behind the January 6 insurrection to illegally and unlawfully overturn the 2020 election plus the storming of the Capitol. 

His final goal was simple: If I stay in office and all that did happen aided me, then I will just pardon everyone now in trouble, and then move on as your president for another term, or hell, may be 2-3 more terms. Who knows – MAGA.” 

F/N on attorney Eastman: He was a major speaker at the rally on January 6 as Rudy Gee stood next to him cheering with the crowd. 

News on Eastman losing his University job

To me that is a major piece of that day’s puzzle on top of the above story about his 6 point plan for Pence to follow and declare Trump won, or if not… well, we now know what the if not was and happened that day an insurrection to overturn the election. 

It all fits and the #1 culprit is Donald J. Trump who knew what the plan was for that day … it all fits. 

Very simple now for the January 6 commission: They must recommend that Trump and a few others be prosecuted and ASAP. 

Conning Donald J. Trump was behind it 100% all of it, period. 

Thanks for stopping by. 

FYI: Pulitzer prizes for Woodward and Costa, too forthcoming I bet. Great historical reporting.

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