Sunday, September 19, 2021

Wimps McConnell & McCarthy: Called on the Carpet Waiting for a Trump Bashing Session


In Oval Office like two scared school boys
(Waiting for the Principal's ass-chewing) 

Hey, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) get your stories straight about how you feel about the January 6 Capitol insurrection.

That was the one aimed at stopping the official 2020 election final certification by a mob who shouted: “Hang Mike Pence.”

That is if he didn’t do what Trump said he had to do. That was to stop the official final election count in order to keep Trump in office proving that he did not lose to Joe Biden by 8 million votes.

Two articles below offer a rundown on you two and your flakey hypocrisy and from other sources, too. 

These two stories are here from The Hill and The Daily Beast:

Your double talking is here as a reminder as you both dodge, duck, deflect, distract and deny January 6 even happened – here, ponder and chew on this including your own words (not mine – yours):

Your silence as Senate and House GOP leaders about the Saturday (September 18) rally, which Trump has disavowed, shows that both of you are reluctant to pick any fights with Trump supporters who believe the 2020 election was stolen, despite the lack of any compelling evidence (with nearly 50 Courts ruling against Trump).

Sen. McConnell: You took to the senate floor on that very sad day and said: “We will not be kept out of this chamber by thugs, mobs, or threats from an unhinged crowd.”

Rep. McCarthy: You told reporters that you didn't know of any members of the House GOP conference planning to attend the September 18 rally, but you haven't disavowed or criticized it, at least publicly. 

Also, recall that McCarthy used much stronger language on January 6, when he denounced the violent protests as “appalling and un-American.”

But, then McCarthy later announced that he would oppose legislation to create an independent bipartisan commission to fully investigate the Capitol attack, even though the deal creating this commission was four months in the making and brokered by a House GOP committee leader NY Rep. John Katko. More on this from McCarthy on that subject:

The bill passed the House with some GOP support, and it was, after all, partly written by Rep. John Katko (R-NY), the top Republican on the House Homeland Security Committee, and before McCarthy came out in opposition to the bill.

A senior GOP aide said:McCarthy knows a commission creates a conflict with Trump so he threw his ranking member (Katko) under the bus.” 

Katko reportedly used that phrase himself in a closed-door GOP conference meeting sarcastically saying to McCarthy:Thanks for not throwing me under the bus, Kevin.”

McCarthy’s grand calculus is largely determined by his conference, and House Republicans are still wary of crossing Trump in any way. That is why many GOP members remain uncomfortable talking about January 6 — though some are now propagating a complete fiction about the Capitol attack in service to Trump and his preferred narrative about the attack.

McCarthy has staked his leadership on Trump in a way McConnell hasn’t. He slowly walked back his claim that the former president bore responsibility for violence on January 6, and now touts Trump as a top partner in reclaiming the House majority.

McCarthy has another complication unique to him: He also could be called as a witness in any comprehensive probe of the attack. The minority leader spoke with Trump as the mob stormed the Capitol, and the president told him the insurrectionists were doing more for him than he was, according to Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA).

Other GOP-related opinions:

Darrell West, Director of Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution said:The events of January 6 remain very contentious, but a lot of Republicans view the individuals who participated that day as heroes who were standing up for election integrity. Given how widespread that view is among Republicans, it puts a lot of pressure on GOP candidates to go soft on January 6, or embrace what they did. Politicians worry about being on the wrong side of public opinion within their own party.”

A few other Republican strategists and independent political experts say that the question of whether President Biden stole the White House – as in Trump “Big Lie” claim now widely debunked – will likely become a rallying cry in next year's Republican primaries.

My 2 Cents: All that above serves as a reminder of just how bad a shape that this “new” Trump owned and operated GOP really is.

Not much more to add – but I’m sure a lot more will be forthcoming – so, stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by.

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