Friday, March 5, 2021

GOP Fights for Rich Tax Cuts: Now We See the Result — The Largest Tax Fraud Scheme Ever


Robert Brockman: Biggest Tax Fraudster in History
(Republican Cheated $2 billion)

GOP Tax Cuts for the Very Top Rung
(Always the same result)

A very big developing story and apt to draw a lot of attention here from CNBC with this headline:

GOP quiet as billionaire GOP donor stands accused of running biggest tax fraud scheme ever in American history

(I note: All the while the GOP pushed for more tax breaks for billionaires of that caliber) – Three introductory points to this story:

· The billionaire accused of running the biggest tax fraud scheme in U.S. history was a prolific donor to Republican groups and causes.

· The leaders of those organizations have kept quiet on the accusations against him.

· Robert Brockman, the former CEO of Ohio-based software company Reynolds & Reynolds, was charged in October (NBC News) for running a $2 billion tax fraud scheme.

This story:

The DOJ said at the time Brockman hid capital gains income for over 20 years through various offshore entities in Bermuda, Nevis, and in secret bank accounts. He pleaded not guilty to the alleged crimes.

Brockman's most recent contributions to GOP committees came in 2017, ahead of the Congressional midterm elections the following year, according to FEC records.

Representatives of those GOP organizations that are still active did not respond when asked whether they plan to refund or give the total amount of contributions away to charity in the wake of the allegations.

The 2017 contributions had yet to be reported in the media.

Brockman in 2017 donated over $80,000 to the NRCC hoping they would gain the majority house, but Republicans went on to lose the House to Democrats with Pelosi (D-CA) becoming speaker.

The FEC records showing the NRCC contributions do not list Reynolds & Reynolds as Brockman's employer, but the Texas address matches the location listed on other contributions Brockman has made. The mailing address is also listed on a business registration form for Reynolds & Reynolds reviewed by CNBC. The form, signed in April before Brockman was charged, lists him as the CEO.

Brockman also gave over $100,000 to entities linked to former Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) including a six-figure check to the Ryan’s now-defunct joint fundraising committee.

Brockman also made a $5,000 payment to Prosperity Action a leadership PAC which has remained active ever since Paul Ryan left office. Brockman also through companies he controlled heavily financed a super PAC that backed Mitt Romney for president in 2012 – that according to a report by Mother Jones.

The WSJ reported March 3 that Brockman and his legal team are claiming that the 79-year-old billionaire can't be tried because he is suffering from dementia and is unable to take part in his own defense. Prosecutors reportedly responded that he could be faking it and that a hearing on Brockman's competency is set to take place in June. An attorney for Brockman did not respond to a request for comment.

Democrats are already pouncing on the lack of public GOP pushback against Brockman after he funded some of their campaigns. American Bridge, a Democratic super PAC that specializes in opposition research and first flagged the Brockman contributions to CNBC, used the episode to blast the GOP.

Max Steele an American Bridge spokesman said:Congressional Republicans spent the last four years gutting IRS enforcement and cutting taxes for billionaires while being bankrolled by the biggest tax cheat in American history. The GOP should return or donate the money, but we know they won't. After all, how can a party that blindly remains loyal to Donald J. Trump afford to oppose billionaires committing tax fraud?”

My 2 cents: Not much to add but to simply reinforce the hypocrisy of the GOP – as we already know about when it comes to tax cuts for the very rich professing it will “trickle down.”

Ha, that’s a crock. The only place Brockman’s mega buck trickled down to was to GOP coffers as payback for those tax breaks that he had been using in his historical massive tax scheme.

This issue should and rightly so be a huge issue (#1 in fact following the pandemic resolution) over the next few election cycles starting in 2022. Changes to the tax and campaign finance laws are long, long overdue. The DEMS can do that now and the GOP would be fools not to sign on – but we shall see. Stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by.

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