Monday, March 1, 2021

CPAC 2021: Trump Closing Speech Enticement He Might Run in 2024 then Again, Again & Again

Entering Stage for His Closing Speech
(One Helluva Entrance)

CPAC 2021 in Orlando, FL February 28, 2021 Trump’s closing speech (1 hour 33 minutes). 

Excellent review here from CNN with this headline:

Donald Trump's CPAC speech: The 50 most ridiculous lines

Introduction: Donald J. Trump delivered his first major post-presidential speech on Sunday, an address to the Conservative Political Action Conference laden with falsehoods and attacks on his fellow Republicans – suggesting absolutely nothing has changed since he ceased being president on January 20.

Those 50 most ridiculous lines are at the link above – a must read to start the day with a huge belly laugh … but not surprised, either.

First, a bit more here from the Daily News – a few highlights:

During his speech, Trump dismissed recent speculation he might start a new political party, saying mockingly: “They kept saying, ‘He’s going to start a brand new party. We have the Republican Party. I am not starting a new party. That was fake news.”

Then he said he might run again, saying as he again grasped at the fantasy that he really won the 2020 contest: “I may even decide to beat them for a third time.”

Trump indicated he’s not letting go of his role as top Republican in the land even as some GOP leaders try to shift the party away from the divisive approach that cost them the White House and Senate in 2020 elections. 

That debate also prompted speculation that he would start his own party, though a recent poll showed a large core of Republican voters still support him in spite of his two impeachments and role inciting the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6.

My 2 cents: My two fav Trump lines from CNN analysis are #25:We won the election twice. I mean, you know, think about it,” and #36:This election was rigged. And the Supreme Court and other courts didn't want to do anything about it.”

Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did … and BTW, that CPAC crowd: Standing shoulder-to-shoulder with very few with masks on. So, the virus Spreader-in-Chief still has his stuff going for him, um?

Thanks for stopping by.


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