Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Capitol Police Install New Metal Detectors Near House Chamber: Republicans Go Bananas


Newly-installed House Chamber Metal Detectors

Define insanity – well, this article does so to the umpteenth degree by many Republicans in Congress – utter insanity.

Full ABC News story hereHighlights from the Article: Just days after last week's Capitol rioting, Republicans are decrying new metal detectors that Capitol Police have now placed outside the doors to the House of Representatives chamber, saying it is a violation of their Second Amendment rights.

This new security measure requires all House members and their staffs to pass through the magnetometers before they go onto the House floor.

The same floor where Trump’s 2nd impeachment debate is underway, and near where gunfire rang out near Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office last Wednesday (January 6) as insurgents ran wild through the House chamber.

Capitol Police Defend House Against the Unknown

Above picture shows Capitol Police at the ready with their guns drawn to defend the House members and not knowing how much, or if the insurgents were or were not armed with guns or bombs or both.

My 2 cents: Utter insanity and madness by those Republicans opposing this step by the Capitol Police – which is 100% warranted. 

My simple question is: Why would any member, Democrat or Republican, would want to have a gun in their possession while on the House floor while in session? That makes no sense – not one iota.

Their 2nd Amendment rights are guaranteed but having a gun stuck in their belt while in the House chamber is utter madness. In their car, or in their offices, perhaps. 

I strongly believe the only persons armed in the Capitol and now more so since January 6 is and should only be the Capitol Police or other guest law enforcement officials while on duty.

Thanks for stopping by.

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