Saturday, January 9, 2021

UPDATED: Trump Insurgents Storming The Nation's Capitol — Another Day of Infamy


Storming the Nation’s Capitol (Wed. Jan 6, 2021)

Very accurate story about Donald J. Trump here from CNN with this headline:

“Donald Trump: The Day America Realized How The President Is”

When the history of the 45th presidency is written, Wednesday, January 6, 2021, will go down as the day America finally realized how dangerous Donald J. Trump really is.

Introduction and Highlights from this Story:

In the span of hours, the country finally witnessed the price of its five-year experiment turning its election process into a reality show that produced an unhinged megalomaniac as Commander-in-Chief who amassed so much power through his lies and fear-mongering that he was able to engineer an insurrection as a final act that left democracy dangling by a thread.

The siege at the Capitol (Wednesday, January 6) marked the culmination of Trump's years-long quest to cultivate a fiercely loyal base that would do anything for him by playing on their fears and resentments as he lured them into believing his incessant lies about the sinister motives of government, election fraud and his own conduct.

The consequences were deadly: Five people died as a result of the rioting, including a Capitol Police officer.

Some of Trump's supporters were armed and ready for war, according to Federal prosecutors – examples:

1. An Alabama man allegedly parked a pickup truck with 11 homemade bombs, an assault rifle and a handgun two blocks from the Capitol hours before authorities discovered it.

2. Another man allegedly showed up with an assault rifle and hundreds of rounds of ammunition, telling acquaintances he wanted to shoot or run over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). 

3. Pipe bombs (FBI is offering $50k for info) were found near the headquarters of both the RNC and DNC headquarters as authorities tried to dispel the mobs and secure the Capitol.

But three days later, Trump appears no more aware of the consequences of his actions than on the day of the riot when he delighted in the mayhem. 

Bunkered at the White House with an ever-shrinking circle of aides, he has offered no remorse for inciting the crowd and offered only a forced denunciation of their actions. Aides, weary and disgusted, refuse to come near him.

His central line to the outside world, Twitter, was severed Friday night (January 8).

People who admired him, worked for him, and followed him down dark paths before now say he has crossed into a delusional place, entirely detached from reality.

Full story continues at the CNN link – worth reading.

My 2 cents: This analysis lays out what millions of us have known since day one and Trump’s own personal record, words, actions, and such finally all have come together in a stark horrible way on that fateful day.

PART UPDATED Sinking ship and rats jumping.

* Chad Wolf:  Acting Secretary of HSD.

* Elaine Chao: Secretary of DOT.

* Betsy DeVos: Secretary of Educ.

* Mick Mulvaney: Envoy to Northern Ireland.

* Stephanie Grisham: CofS Melania Trump. 

* Sarah Matthews: W/H Dep Press Secretary.

* Anna Cristina “Rickie” Niceta: W/H Social Secretary.

* Matthew Pottinger: Dep National Security Adviser.

*Tyler Goodspeed: Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers.

* Eric Dreiband: Chief DOJ Civil Rights Division.

The fear that some have raised is simple: What can he do between now and January 20 at noon when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are sworn into office. Stay tuned, alert, and safe as much as possible.

Thanks for stopping by.

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