Thursday, December 17, 2020

Trump Fired Top Election Cybersecurity Official: Testifies About Damage to Our Overall System


Chris Krebs Testified in the Senate about 2020 Security
(Told the truth then Trump fired him)

(CNN) – Christopher Krebs (pictured above), was the former top Trump administration official for cybersecurity before Trump fired him. 

He told a Senate committee (December 16) it wasdangerous for elected officials to embrace false and baseless attacks on the election and undermine public confidence in the result,” adding: “I think we're past the point where we need to be having conversations about the outcome of this election. I think that continued assaults on democracy and the outcome of this election, that only serves to undermine confidence in the process, is ultimately corrosive to the institutions that support elections.”

That committee where Krebs testified was indeed a controversial hearing convened by Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI). 

They met one day after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said plainly on the Senate floor that Joe Biden was the President-elect, and he privately urged Republican senators not to join in an expected House challenge to the election results when Congress meets to accept and count the Electoral College votes (January 6).

My Note: A challenge surely will come from Rep. “Mo” Brooks (R-AL) who said he would file that challenge if he can find the needed one Senator to join him – to date, none has said yes.

Noteworthy is the fact that Johnson said he wasn't planning to dispute the EC vote results during the joint session of Congress, but he defended his decision to hold the hearing on election “irregularities.”

In his opening statement, Johnson ticked off various allegations of fraud, criticizing Democrats for attacking him over the hearing when they've raised questions about vote counting in previous elections. 

Johnson did not say he was trying to dispute the outcome, saying that the question was: Whether the level of fraud would alter the election.” 

Krebs for his part, did not mention Trump specifically even after he was fired as the head of the agency he led (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), when he pushed back against the President's baseless claims of widespread fraud in the election.

In his prepared remarks, Krebs said:The current wild and baseless domestic claims of hackers and malicious algorithms flipping the vote in states across the country due to ties to deceased foreign dictators serve only to confuse, scare, and ultimately undermine confidence in the election.  While elections are sometimes messy, this one was secure, a safe election, of that I have no doubt.”

A lot more to this article is at the CNN link. Check it out.

My 2 cents: Once again we see Trump firing someone for doing their job and telling the truth.

The nation can hardly wait for him to be gone – but, sadly he leaves a lot of awful damage in his wake.

Joe Biden will have his hands full making corrections, but I am sure he will. Wait and see.

Thanks for stopping by.

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