Saturday, December 19, 2020

Trump's Proud Boys: Standing By at the Ready Kilts On Bare Asses Exposed in DC


Proud Boys Arrive in DC Wearing Kilts
(Prepared and Raring to Go)

The Moment of Truth with Antifa Message

Indecent exposure laws vary by state ... this is DC's ... where the “Proud Boys” mooned the public:

Code Sections: District of Columbia Official Code §22-1312: Lewd, Indecent, or Obscene Acts.

What's Prohibited: Under District of Columbia indecent exposure laws, it is considered unlawful for a person to make an obscene or indecent exposure of his or her genitalia or anus, to engage in masturbation, or to engage in a sexual act in public. The statute also makes it unlawful for a person to make an obscene or indecent sexual proposal to a minor.

Penalty: In Washington D.C., an individual who violates any provision of this law will be guilty of a misdemeanor. Upon conviction, a person guilty of this crime may be fined up to $500, imprisoned for up to 90 days, or both.

My 2 cents: So, what action comes next? They broke the law … lock ‘em up – like that chant Mr. Trump, um?

Thanks for stopping by.

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