Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Trump Can't Disavow Racism: His "Fine People" Ref "Unite the Right" Rally in Charlottesville, VA


Typical Proud Boys Attire
(Apparently John Rambo Wannabe's)

Proud Boys Instructions: How to Handle Protestors
(Separate them, then smash their heads on the cement)

The headline from CNBC story:

All the red flags: Political analysts warn of U.S. election violence in November

· During the first presidential debate, Trump again cited unfounded claims about mail-in ballots leading to widespread voter fraud in justifying his reluctance to accept the election result should he lose – thus keeping public distrust alive.

· Trump also refused to disavow White supremacists and militia groups who support him when Chris Wallace asked him to disavow them. Instead, Trump told the “Proud Boys” — a violent, all-male far-right extremist group to: “Stand back and stand by.”

Note: Stand by means be ready to act on my command – common military jargon.

A group of “Proud Boys” seen and heard in this video bragging about beating up a protestor in NYC saying: “Ripping off his mask and smashing his f**king head on the pavement.” 

All the while laughing like crazy. 

In another video clip we see and hear a Proud Boys “leader” telling them “To separate innocents from the illegals, pedophiles, and child molesters which dominate the left – then just smash their heads to the concrete.” 

More of their hateful violent crap is documented here.

My 2 cents: The Charlottesville story is here and here. Yep, these are his newest pack of thugs he told to “stand back and stand by!!!” Implying they will be needed if he loses the election and move into action to “take back our country.” 

Take it back from what? Oh, yeah, the voters who will vote Trump him out of office. 

So, Velkom to Trump’s Amerika. Whatever benefits Trump, he markets any way possible – even via violent ways. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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