Thursday, October 8, 2020

Trump Pulls a Nixon: Has "Political Enemies List" Wants AG Barr to Start Arresting Them ASAP


Enemy of the People Original Trump Quote, Right
(Nope, goes back to Stalin’s USSR in 1930)

Stalin had his secret police, et al - Trump has Barr

This news, I mean really big news, is what I call “Shades of Nixon” is Trump today as revealed in this story from Politico with this headline:

“Where are all of the arrests?” Trump demands AG Barr lock up his political foes

The day-long run of tweets and retweets marked the most frantic stretch of Trump’s public activity since he left Walter Reed.

President Donald J. Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding that AG Barr jail his political enemies as he called out allies he says are failing to arrest his rivals swiftly enough.

My Notes: Closely related topics: Barr election interference Trump's 2017 rant about intraparty “enemies list” seen here and his laundry list.

Trump twice amplified supporters’ criticisms of Barr, including one featuring a meme calling on him to “arrest somebody!” He wondered aloud why his rivals, like former President Obama, Nominee Joe Biden, and former Nominee Hillary Clinton hadn’t been imprisoned for launching a “coup” against his administration. 

Trump unleashed several dozen tweets on the subject over the past 24 hours in part saying: “Where are all of the arrests? Can you imagine if the roles were reversed? Long term sentences would have started two years ago. Shameful!” 

By early afternoon (October 7), Trump was letting loose his frustrations in an all-caps missive that seemed aimed at nobody in particular.


* I NOTE: Treason is the only crime specifically defined in the Constitution (Article III, Section 3). It is punishable by death and has rarely been charged in modern times. Trump has a penchant for accusing his political foes of treason including most recently Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA).

Schiff led the House Intelligence Committee chairman in the impeachment efforts against the president. While presidents often criticize their predecessors, it’s highly unusual for one president to accuse another of treason.

The day-long run of tweets and retweets marked the most frantic stretch of Trump’s public activity since he left the presidential suite at Walter Reed Medical Center and returned to treatment at the White House. They also underscored the degree to which Trump remains fixated on his grievances over the Russia probe, and often on obscure aspects of that investigation that are unintelligible to all but its most careful followers.

Since late Tuesday (October 6), Trump has vowed to declassify all documents he claims will show improper activity by Obama and his intelligence advisers — before quickly reversing himself and suggesting he had already done so “long ago” — and repeatedly cited Russian intelligence services’ claims that Clinton “stirred up” the Trump-Russia collusion scandal that has dogged his presidency.

A Justice Department spokeswoman did not respond to a request for comment about whether Trump had ever directly asked Barr to order the arrest of his rivals or if his tweet suggesting as much had veered into territory that Barr once said made his job “impossible.”

In past interviews, Barr has signaled that he has no intention of prosecuting senior Obama officials, though he has cast doubt on the motives behind the Russia probe and launched an investigation into its origins. The review Barr ordered has disappointed Trump in recent weeks as the U.S. attorney tapped to lead it, John Durham, has signaled he might not pursue the kinds of high-profile prosecutions the president and his allies are demanding.

Also, Durham’s deputy in the review, veteran DOJ prosecutor Nora Dennehy, quit the faltering effort and returned to the private sector.

Also noteworthy: Trump’s tweet barrage was particularly jarring when set against the political backdrop. Biden has widened his lead over Trump in recent polls, as the president’s support has eroded among women, seniors and other voting blocs that helps him scratch out a victory in 2016.

Trump flummoxed his allies by summarily shutting down — also via Twitter — negotiations over a coronavirus stimulus bill, only to backtrack hours later by calling on Congress to pass more targeted measures.

I NOTE: The NASDAQ and S&P fell 500 points when Trump made that announcement on October 6 – then he backtracked and told Congress to find a better way.

However, Trump has made clear that he remains focused on punishing perceived enemies regardless of the political cost.

While recovering at Walter Reed, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told Fox News that Trump had kept busy that morning in part by directing the declassification of documents related to the Russia probe. 

Those are files he claimed were conclusive proof that Clinton had concocted the notion that his campaign team had ties to Russia even though the Senate Intelligence Committee (bi-partisan report) and Mueller’s team both rejected the allegations as unverified.

Significant and Related: In releasing those documents, Trump’s own hand-picked DNI, John Ratcliffe (R-TX), acknowledged the documents were tied to and sourced from Russian intelligence, might have been “exaggerated or even fabricated” to deflect from Russia’s own efforts in the 2016 election interference shenanigans.

(Note: My emphasis added).

My 2 cents: This story basically stands alone as reported (again with my emphasis added to fit the blog), and yes, it is damn scary. So, why hasn’t people around Trump like Barr and now Ratcliffe, too, and many others, simply packed up and resigned and show some dignity and leave Trump and stand law and order, right and wrong, and the people they profess to serve – the country – and not one man like Trump?

I simply do not understand their fake hypocritical patriotism. That’s all I can say today about this story. 

I leave with this about this “enemy of people” crap from Trump: Former AZ Senator Jeff Flake (R) was correct when he once said: Trump’s phrase, “enemy of the people,” is indelibly linked to Stalin. The term in Russian is “vrag naroda,” and it not only meant death for you but state persecution of your family. Lenin introduced that category of criminal into Soviet law, in the very early going, but Stalin elevated it to a sort of foundational principle of his rule.

Lenin had “bourgeois” die-hards in mind. Stalin and his henchmen targeted spies, wreckers and counter-revolutionaries in every corner of Soviet society, but especially among his rivals, real or imagined, within the Communist Party.

Millions were shot and millions more perished in the camps of the gulag. It got so bad that when Nikita Khrushchev succeeded Stalin in the 1950s, he banned that phrase. 

Now maybe what lies ahead is the opposite of that wild Kimberly Guilfoyle yelling at the RNC Convention: “The worst it yet to come…” 

Thanks for stopping by.

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