Friday, October 2, 2020

Trump and Ivanka: Dynamic Criminal Twosome Up to Their 1040's in Debt and Tax Fraud


Newly Weds; Father-Daughter; or Crooks Я Us

Former Watergate prosecutor Nick Akerman said this following the NY Times report on the Trump taxes story which Trump has denied calling it a “fake story.”

However, he still will not publicly disclose his tax returns – a customary practice for presidential candidates ever since Akerman helped prosecute Nixon for that same thing during the Watergate scandal investigation, etc.

The NY Times report Akerman says details “a whole series of activities that could qualify as tax fraud, not tax avoidance.”

§  Tax Avoidance: Legally taking advantage of the tax code in legal ways to maximize deductions.

§  Tax Fraud: Lying about income and deductions in IRS filings documents.

Akerman specifically addressed the so-called “consultant fees Trump paid to his daughter Ivanka Trump.” 

Since she was already an employee of the Trump Organization with a salary, there was “no legitimate reason for here to get those huge consulting” payments” Akerman concluded. 

It appears both of them were shifting the money around to avoid paying taxes on it, and they could go to jail for many years on tax fraud charges if convicted (which seems very likely).

Akerman’s interview highlights are in the CNN Twitter posted video [click here].

My 2 cents: This story from a very reputable man who prosecuted Richard Nixon and we know how that turned out is timely and concerning to these two Trumps... both worried sick I am sure. 

Thanks for stopping by.


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