Saturday, July 25, 2020

Trump's Next 100 Days: Incorrigible and Disdainful Gaslighting About Rigged Mail-in Voting

Before and During the Pandemic and After the 2020 Election
(Best Brain Ever; I Don't Worry; Election Was Rigged)

Donald J. “Faux President” Trump: Total lack of leadership early on and now scared to death about losing in November and is pulling out all the phony stops and props to reverse course and win bigly – examples galore – key ones in this fine original article from Business Insider with this headline and bullet points (some edits by me to fit the blog format):

Trump's new somber tone on the coronavirus isn't a reversal of his denial of the seriousness of the pandemic — it's a realization that denial could cost him the election

Trump seemed on Tuesday (July 21) to grasp the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic during his first coronavirus task force press briefing since April. But while some news outlets and pundits praised the president for his “somber tone,” the switch from heavily focusing on reopening (despite the warning of public health experts) to him suddenly urging of the public to wear masks and avoid bars.

His change of tone appears to not be a reversal on his denial of the threat of the pandemic (it still lingers with him), but rather his realization that the sustained virus denial could cost him the upcoming election and I’d add that of control of Congress. 

According to CNN, Trump and his team had discussed election polls that showed him trailing former Vice President Joe Biden prior to his briefing. People familiar with the conversation told CNN that some aides brought up the fact that taking a serious tone on the coronavirus has in the past been successful for Trump.

Despite his sudden change, it's not clear how long his apparent acknowledgment of the pandemic will last and if it can reverse some of the damage of his response already inflicted in the first six months as case and death number soar.  

For example, just last month, despite public health recommendation, Trump held a rally in Tulsa, and several members of his security detail were asked to quarantine after two Secret Service agents tested positive for the virus.

Health experts said the rally most likely contributed to surging cases all across the country we now see again. 

While largely sticking to a script during the new briefings (except when he wished Jeffrey Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell well), it's hard to tell how long this new “showmanship approach” will last or if it could erase the past six months of largely denying the threat of the pandemic and even a few times saying he did not take responsibility – then blamed others around him, the states, and their governors (except ones close to him, e.g., in FL and TX where virus numbers are now off the charts).

Short list of Trump’s previous virus positions and statements:

·       He suggested that people inject disinfectant
·       He recently claimed the pandemic was a hoax perpetrated by the fake-news media
·       He also touted unproven medical cures such as hydroxychloroquine. 
·       He said it would just “disappear like a miracle.”
·       He said reopening the country was the #1 issue.

Trump up until this week had pushed for an economic reopening despite the risk it posed to the public.

In June, he told The Wall Street Journal that those who wear masks do so as a political statement against him, that was before now, suddenly he is encouraging mask-wearing this week as being “patriotic.”

While experts have said it's probably not safe to reopen schools, he has continued to push for schools to reopen and previously threatened to withhold federal funding from schools that don't reopen in the fall (more here on that subject showing they can’t do that).

And while Trump has encouraged public-health-expert-backed mitigation strategies like masks, and not going to bars, the administration still lacks a comprehensive national testing strategy.

They also have largely abdicated federal responsibility beyond CDC guidelines, which has led to an uneven response by individual states all across the country, especially now in the South and the West that are struggling to get growing cases under control and in some areas they are facing massive shortages of hospital beds to treat severe cases. 

The main model used to estimate the impact of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States now predicts close to 220,000 deaths by November 1. Experts have consistently said that proper protocols taken early on could have prevented hospital systems from being overburdened, which would have led to fewer deaths. 

My 2 cents: All of Trump missteps and such are a sign more so or no matter how hard to tries (phony tries) to recover and win in November, just stop and image what he would or could do in a second term in office should something more serious happen?

In short, Trump is totally inept, incompetent, and must not be reelected – but boy-oh-boy watch his dirty tricks machine take off at warp speed, e.g., his already said mail-in voting was rigged.

Finally, I ask if mail-in voting is rigged as Trump says and is so awful, corrupt, etc., then what about this Mr. Trump: See my two previous posts on voting here and especially here (the last part about mail-in voting from Trump and people around him). 

So, did he and they cheat, corrupt, fix, commit fraud, or help rig those elections where they voted by mail?

Hypocrite is Trump’s middle name and God, I hope the public finally sees him for what he is – just as his niece Mary Trump wrote he was: The Most-Dangerous Man in America.” He truly is.

Thanks for stopping by.

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