Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Trump Seeks to Retool Himself: Virus, Economy, and Turmoil Whacking the Nation and He's Lost

Virus and Deaths Are Up — I Want My Numbers Up, Too

Seems like Trump and his 2020 team are in some sort of panic mode right now. No, not over the awful re-surge of the virus and rise in U.S. deaths, either. It's because Trump needs serious votes and the RED states are now heavily impacted.

Cite this story from the Washington Post – below in part and also at other sites including AlterNet here.

Trump advisers and operatives seeking to defeat him increasingly agree on one thing: The best way for him to regain his political footing is to wrest control of the coronavirus by retooling himself as a strong leader in charge.

In the six months since the deadly contagion was first reported in the United States, Trump has demanded the economy reopen and children return to school, all while scrambling to salvage his reelection campaign.

But allies and opponents agree he has failed at the one task that could help him achieve all his goals — confronting the pandemic with a clear strategy and consistent leadership.

I insert the proverbial: You are “a day late and dollar short,” Mr. Trump.

Trump’s shortcomings have perplexed even some of his most loyal allies, who increasingly have wondered why the president has not at least pantomimed a sense of command over the crisis or conveyed compassion for the millions of Americans hurt by it.

People close to Trump, many speaking on the condition of anonymity to share candid discussions and impressions, say the president’s inability to wholly address the crisis is due to his almost pathological unwillingness to admit error; a positive feedback loop of overly rosy assessments and data from advisers and Fox News; and a penchant for magical thinking that prevented him from fully engaging with the pandemic.

In recent weeks, and now with more than 151,000 Americans dead from the virus, the White House has attempted to overhaul — or at least rejigger — its and Trump’s approach.

The administration has revived news briefings led by Trump and presented the president with projections showing how the virus is now decimating Republican states full of his voters.

That now has his attention – not so much before when it was ravaging DEM-led states.

Officials have also set up a separate, smaller coronavirus working group led by Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, along with Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared “Genius” Kushner (the nickname Trump gave him).

For many, however, the question remains as to why Trump did not adjust sooner, realizing that the path to nearly all his goals — from an economic recovery to an electoral victory in November — runs directly through a healthy nation in control of the virus.

Story continues at the Washington Post link.

Trump looking to himself for his next move:

What's next? Cancel the election or stall mail-in voting?

My 2 cents: The obvious answer to that last question for many if not most is simple: Trump totally lacks any presidential leadership skills.

He has not one iota of common sense, decency, or empathy for Americans suffering.

He has only been concerned since day-one about one thing: Padding his own wallet for financial gain while in office. That is as plain as the nose on anyone’s face with an ounce of common sense to see and follow his words and actions. That clearly shows how inept he truly is for the most-critical event he or any other president would face. 

He balked and didn’t get the job done and now is playing catch up – will it work – we must not be surprised if it does, and that’s why all our eyes should be are on mail-in voting vs. Trump's his remarks about it being corrupt and a fraud and will be rigged.

More on that and the 2020 election posted here and I suspect there will be tons of Trump dirty tricks along with an army of Trump operatives. So, stay alert for that. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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