Wednesday, June 24, 2020

MANY UPDATES: Trump & Barr Will Do, Say, Pay, Try, Lie, or Deny Anything to Win

His latest and sustained conspiracy rubbish
(Those around him playing the same game)

Trump's fear like a virus has spread to AG Barr
(Probably other Republicans are infected as well)

Another New Update (June 26 – dateline Texas): Right now Texas is seeing a spike in COVID-19 cases due to re-opening, and yet they are still worried about mail-in voting being unsafe and fraudulent.

The case at stake: They won’t allow “virus exemptions” from voters worried about standing in line and again the USSC supports that sort of worrisome logic like they did for WI – the DEMS lost their challenge.

So, I see the Texas election and state motto now reading: “Take your chances and vote in person and perhaps die, or just stay home and not vote. We Republicans win either way … yippee – Go Long Horns…!”

Report here from CNN – highlights:

Though a majority of Americans support voting by mail as a socially distanced solution for elections this fall, Trump, AG Barr, and now Texas, too have all doubled down on their penchant for making false claims about voter fraud.

That despite multiple studies which have confirmed that there is no widespread voter fraud in this country. Millions of Americans vote-by-mail each year without systemic problems such as fraud.

Recall that back in April, this same Supreme Court split 5-4 declined to extend Wisconsin's absentee voting deadlines because of Covid-19 worries (and of course the cases rose as we now know).

Justice Ginsburg at that time wrote in her dissent that the decision “boggles the mind.” Now again it does with this court in Texas…
Who says Supreme Court appointment are not critical? Certainly not Trump and Barr, et al.

Mind-boggling for sure.

Main post follows (I note that these updates are very fast lately).

June 26, 2020: Another Major Update (from several sources): This subject demands a lot of attention since the false premise of “mail-in fraud” now pushed by Trump and AG Barr as well a few others is presented without an ounce of evidence.

Here from Trump from NBC News and Politico:

WASHINGTON (June 19, 2020) — President Trump says in an interview that the “biggest risk” to his re-election prospects in November is increased mail-in voting and whether he can win lawsuits to stop its expansion, saying precisely: “My biggest risk is that we don't win lawsuits.”

Here from Barr from NBC News:

WASHINGTON (June 26 2020) — AG Barr raised concerns that expanding mail-in voting could lead to widespread fraud — but admitted he had no evidence to support his claims. In an interview with NPR, Barr was asked if he believes an election conducted mainly by mail can be secure.

He said:Personally, no. I mean, we just mailed out checks under the stimulus program. And what is it? I heard something like 20 percent or something were misdirected.”

(Note: He was referring to stimulus checks sent out by the federal government as part of a coronavirus relief package that went to dead people or outdated addresses, etc. Barr then said that he thinks the same thing can happen with mail-in ballots).

I Note: This scare tactics has one purpose: To keep Trump, Barr, and others connected to them in power – not to ensure a safe and fair election – that is very clear at this point.

Examples to counter any fraudulent voting which is now falsely being pushed by Trump and Barr are posted below. All this comes at a very historical time in our history.

Included below are clear examples of voting by mail that Trump himself, some of his family members, and many serving around him have used that proves once again how pitiful Trump and others truly are about this fake issue they are whipping into a bogus issues and voters into a frenzy to scare and worry people about mail-in voting, which by numerous accounts is safe and secure and valid.

More later I am sure. Stay tuned and very alert for the Trump nonsense – which right now is flowing more each passing day.

BACKGROUND: Reminder data from this Pew research report … worthwhile to research. Quick summary of latest (re: Trump’s “fake/phony”) voter fraud commission run by Kris Kobach from Kansas – the KS AG who is anti-and-against everything (and BTW: did find any evidence to prop up Trump):

1.    If Voter Fraud is proven to be false, then Trump loses all of his credibility (but he wouldn’t care one bit – his spin would kick into high gear). 
2.    If Voter Fraud is proven to be true, then American democracy as we know it loses all credibility (then would be no coming back from that point which to help the nation regain any credibility or trustworthiness – we could become a country like the others with only a hereditary leader or hereditarily-determined oligarchy – (but, wait, aren’t we heading that way now with the Trump-Kushner bunch that is growing it seems, almost daily)!

INTRO and BTW: These things ARE NOT fraud … they are just lousy recordkeeping and lack of attention to being a responsible citizen:

1.    Approximately 12.7 million records nationwide that appear to be out of date and no longer reflect the voter’s current information.
2.    More than 1.8 million records for people who are no longer living, but have registrations on voter rolls.
3.    About 12 million records with incorrect addresses, indicating that either the voters have moved, or that errors in the information on file make it unlikely the Postal Service can reach them.
4.    Almost 2.7 million people appeared to be registered in two states.
5.    More than 70,000 people could be registered in three or more.
6.    In all, more than 2.75 million people appear to have multiple registrations.

Simple Solution: We need a nation-wide instant check plan like the one banks use when someone accesses an ATM’s for cash with their PIN.

Such a system would flag them and prevent them from voting twice or voting in more than one location or someone voting for them – also may a “secret word” verification as well as the PIN would result in an instant, safe, easily verifiable, and non-hackable system to vote – cost – yes, some for sure, but what is cost of losing our freedom to vote fair, open, safe, and secure?

Related is the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU who has extensive proven data on this entire issue. It is a great bookmark for future reference and further research.

Finally, this all shows that this is the Trump strategy to win in 2020 – that is: To blame the voting system that he and Barr want to wreck and then blame DEMS for even proposing although evidence clearly shows that mail-in voting works and is NOT fraudulent.

Trump and Barr and who distrust mail-in voting are evil, nasty, pathetic, and very dangerous to our entire governmental system that is nearly 245 years old. 

Somehow, the U.S. Supreme Court must weigh in and put a stop to this madness and right now would be best. How – that remains to be seen.

Original post follows:

MAJOR UPDATE (from CBS News): AG Barr again opens mouth and inserts (again) now with both feet reinforcing his earlier statements about fraudulent mail-in voting, and again with unverified claims that foreign actors could tamper with those ballots.

First watch this 8-minute PBS reminder on mail-in voting then continue with this update to see that they are safe, secure, and used widely probably why Trump hates them so much.

Now highlights from the CBS article which is the second time this month that Barr has speculated about election fraud in November.

In an interview with the New York Times, Barr said: “A number of foreign countries could easily make counterfeit ballots, put names on them, send them in.”

In a string of tweets Trump followed suit also claiming the 2020 election would be rigged because millions of mail-in ballots will be printed by foreign countries.”

The comments have baffled election officials and experts who say a complicated and detailed set of safeguards in place are expressly designed to detect and prevent such interference. 

Positive examples follow. 

Charles Stewart, the founding director of the Election Lab at MIT says: You would have to reproduce the entire election administration apparatus somewhere in the middle of Siberia.”

Tina Barton, a Republican who serves as the clerk in Rochester Hills, MI said:  Her city's ballots are printed by one company and they have a unique ballot number for each ballot including a barcode that can bring up a voter's record and are programmed to be compatible with the city's counting machines. 

Barton said that beyond those steps, the envelopes for mailing the ballot, the secrecy sleeve and ballot instructions are all standardized, making it even more difficult to mimic the mailing, then added: There's a whole packet of information and duplication of that would be an extreme effort. But again, even if they went to that extreme effort, they're not going to have a ballot that's going to be read by the programming in my machine.” 

Barton also said that while the volume of absentee voting is up, the safeguards put in place to secure the vote remain the same. She tells her staff to worry about accuracy rather than expediency to deal with the increased number of absentee ballots. 

Note: In Michigan, a key battleground state that Trump won in 2016, this will be the first presidential election cycle with no-excuse absentee voting, which two-thirds of voters approved in a 2018 ballot measure.

Officials are gearing up for a surge in absentee voting and the secretary of state has mailed all registered voters absentee ballot request forms, despite harsh condemnation from the president. 

Also Note: The wide variation of ballots — different local candidates and issues depending on where you live — also make it difficult for bad actors to commit fraud.

In Colorado, for example, they have been conducting its elections by mail since 2013. CO Secretary of State Jenna Griswold says:There are literally thousands of ballot styles in every election.”  

For example, in Jefferson County, which includes Denver, there are 500 styles of ballots for the general election. And in surrounding counties of Adams and Arapahoe, there are 350 to 500 different ballots. Griswold continued by mentioning while intelligence officials and the Mueller Report detailed ways in which Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election, the method was primarily through disinformation campaigns and not by tampering with mail-in voting. Plus, she said, election officials and experts say that one benefit of vote-by-mail is that it creates a paper trail.

Griswold Concluded:We know that Russia tried to penetrate election systems, but Russia or any cyber hacker cannot hack a piece of paper.”

FYI: Colorado is one of five states that conduct elections primarily by mail voting. Another 29 states allow no-excuse absentee voting, meaning any voter can request an absentee ballot, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures

The article continues at the CBS site.

My note: The bottom line as they say about conspiracy things like:
Trump and Barr, et al are all shoveling horse sh*t pretty high. Now the question is: Can they get the sh*t back in the horse (line from the 1992 Eddie Murphy movie: “The Distinguished Gentleman”).

Stay vigilant – it will get a lot nastier – bet on it.

Thanks for stopping by.

Original Post from Here.

Here from Trump and those close around him re: Mail-in voting – 

The full story is here from the Washington Post — I call it proof meet pudding.

Setting the scene: Trump has spent much of his Monday (June 22) via Twitter decrying the dangers of voting by mail. Then he got an assist from AG Barr who appeared on Fox and said twice that expanded voting by mail would open “the floodgates of potential fraud.”

Then Barr told Fox Host Maria Bartiromo:Right now, a foreign country could print up tens of thousands of counterfeit ballots, and be very hard for us to detect which was the right and which was the wrong ballot.” 

Trump then retweeted that as justification for his views on mail-in ballots being corrupt and full of fraud.

So, Mr. Trump, are these valid cases of “mail-in voting corruption?”

Trump himself: Voted absentee in NY in 2018, and in FL March primary. Once he listed the wrong birth date on a 2017 absentee ballot for NY mayor race, and tried to register to vote in FL in 2019 with out-of-state address.

Ivana Trump: Attempted to vote absentee for NY mayor in 2017, but sent the ballot too late.

First lady Melanie Trump: Attempted to vote absentee for NY mayor in 2017, but failed to sign the envelope.

White House counselor Kelly Anne Conway: Voted absentee in NJ in 2018.

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner: Requested an absentee ballot for the NY mayoral election in 2017, but didn’t return it.

VP Pence: Voted absentee in 2018 for both the primary and general elections. He He also mailed in a ballot for the 2020 Indiana GOP primary.
AG Barr: Voted absentee in 2019 and 2012 in VA.

Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany: Voted by mail in FL 11 times in 10 years.

Trump campaign manager Brad Pascale: Didn’t vote at all in the 2016 general election telling CBS “it was because of a series of problems getting his absentee ballot and potential problems with absentee voting.” He voted by mail in 2018.

HHS Secretary Alex Azar: Voted absentee in 2018.

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: Voted absentee in FL 15 times in 15 years.

RNC Chair Rona McDaniel (Sen. Mitt Romney’s niece): Voted absentee in MI in 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2020.

My 2 cents: What a bunch of two-face hypocrites from Trump on down the line. Pitiful pond scum especially when he skips over the truth and somehow projects himself and those connected to him as being Saints or worse, untouchable.

Thanks for stopping by.

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