Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Trump Family: Liars & Truth Benders & Their Shtick “We Can't Help It — It's in Our Genes”

Joe Biden is mentally ill and he needs help
(Just like my Dad, oops)

Allow me to respond to Trump Jr. a real dumbass – there I’ve now entered the Trump circle of cursing … this story video headlines from Trump Jr:

Trump Jr. Suggests Joe Biden May Have Alzheimer's in Wake of Saying to Autoworker You are full of S**t Caught on this Biden-Worker Video

Biden reacts to false accusation about his gun stance

Trump Jr. is a real dumbass nitwitted moron with no memory just like the autoworker in the video who apparently is a redneck narrow-minded goofball – Biden was correct to dress him down – I would, too if someone got up in my face and accused me of something that was not true.

Trump Jr. might outta read this about his dear old Dad and his apparent two-faced ways. He is truly pathetic, but the Trump base loves it, right?

Highlights from The Week article:

·       In July 2019, Trump said in a speech: “If you don't support me, you're going to be so goddamn poor.”
·       Trump called Beto O'Rourke a “poor bastard.”
·       Trump retweeted a video of a UFC fighter calling him “a bad motherf---er.”
·       Trump called Gov. Matt Bevin (R-KY) “a pain in the ass.”
·       Now, too, thanks to Trump, we can now read about “shithole” countries in The New York Times.
·       Trump also once said that Joe Bidenunderstood how to kiss Barack Obama's ass.”
·       He also called Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) a pompous ass.
·       Trump even referred to himself as a “son of a bitch.”
·       He called the impeachment inquiry “BULLSHIT” (caps in a tweet).
·       He acted out a love scene between former FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.
·       He said Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) “couldn't carry Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's jock strap.”
·       Early in 2019, in an interview with The New York Times, Trump said he “beat the shit out of his Republican rivals in 2016.
·       During the 2019 CPAC, he said his enemies were trying to sabotage him “with bullshit.”
·       At a rally in March 2019, Trump said Democrats were “Defrauding the public with ridiculous bullshit. It's bullshit, okay? It's bullshit,” he repeated over and over.

Article Summary: Trump uses profanity for both cathartic and demagogic purposes, as a way to vent his frustrations and to stir up crowds. In 2016, he said it got him “standing ovations.” Apparently his supporters regard his cussing with the same esteem as the national anthem.

My 2 cents: Trump Jr., is a louse and to coin his pop’s own words, his words are “bullshit.” Boy have we sunk this low under Trump? I guess we have.

But, I’ve tried to simply make a valid point about the Trump’s: They are a national disgrace virus – train wreck in the making, and sooner we are rid of them, the better it will be for our national sanity.

Thanks for stopping by.

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