Saturday, March 21, 2020

Trump Blows Up About Virus Relief Bil: GOPers Stick By Him and Want No Big Payments

Moscow Mitchat Trump Presser: WTF look
(What is he saying - Ho Lee Sheet)

As I said with the post title - Trump has lost it .. proof, meet pudding:

Dresses down a NBC reporter for asking a simple question

Now, the story headlines today from Business Insider:
The GOP coronavirus relief package is a dream for big  
 Corporations, and a nightmare for struggling Americans
This is GOP SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) – take care of the top crust and they will “trickle down” help to all lower rungs (I insert: ha ha ha).  
This story highlights:
·      President Trump says “he wants to help Americans workers through the coronavirus.” But, behind the scenes his party is crafting legislation that would leave the least fortunate behind.
·       Some Republicans are working on an aid package that would send cash payments of up to $1,200 to some workers.
·       But, for Americans who don't pay, or pay very little income tax payments would decrease to as low as $600.
·       Some Republicans like Sen. Graham (R-SC) and Rep. Meadows (R-NC) are actively lobbying against all cash payments entirely.
That attitude is truly appalling. 
The bill features a bunch of dreams-come-true for big corporations too, which is routine for any Republican as we all know all too well.
This isn't just cruel, it's bad economics. 
The more people have to pay bills and spend as normally as they can now, the easier it will be to get the economy rolling again with this is over.
Whole story continues here – very good coverage.
My 2 cents: As Gomer Pyle would say, “Surprise, surprise, surprise…”
But, really not a real good development … trickle down simply DOES NOT work, period. 
Thanks for stopping by.

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