Friday, March 6, 2020

Romney Does a Flip-Flop 180° Turn: Will Now Vote for Direct Biden—Burisma Investigation

Face of Trump Resistance: He Backtracks Very Next Day

SALT LAKE CITY (Deseret Newspaper) — Only one day after saying an investigation related to Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, and a Ukrainian gas company (Burisma) appears political (also reported on here), Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) now says he won’t stand in the way of a Senate committee subpoena for the Bidens. 

Also, reported on here from NBC News and my earlier post.

Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is planning to force a committee vote next week on the first subpoena stemming from his probe tied to Hunter Biden and Burisma.

Romney’s spokesperson, Liz Johnson said today (March 6):Sen. Romney has expressed his concerns to Chairman Johnson, who has confirmed that any interview of the witness would occur in a closed setting without a hearing or public spectacle. He will therefore vote to let the chairman proceed to obtain the documents that have been offered.”

Sen. Johnson wants to subpoena Andrii Telizhenko a former consultant for Blue Star Strategies, a U.S. firm that Johnson noted in a letter to committee members has connections Burisma Holdings.

My insert: More on Andrii Telizhenko from here (BuzzFeed).

It seems to me that Sen. Johnson and other GOPers now seem to be hanging their hats on this guy to use and nail Joe and Hunter Biden, which we all know has been a long time goal of Trump.

Telizhenko is in a word a conspiracy nut. He has propelled himself from a minor functionary at the Ukrainian Embassy to a bespoke purveyor of conspiracy theories to Republican senators, e.g., Chairman Johnson, most Russian media, and Rudy Giuliani.

Read more at the BuzzFeed link above (November 4, 2019).  

Initially, Romney was seen as a possible roadblock to Johnson’s investigation after telling reporters Thursday (March 5) that Johnson now looking into Burisma and Hunter Biden appeared political, saying more precisely:I think people are tired of these kind of political investigations and would hope that if there’s something of significance that needs to be evaluated that it would be done by perhaps the FBI or some other agency that is not as political as perhaps a committee of our body.” Romney said he intended to talk to Johnson and then decide how he would vote on the subpoena.

Critical point on that vote statement: Romney’s vote could be critical, this way: Republicans hold an 8-6 majority on the Johnson committee. 
Therefore a “no” vote from Romney would end in a 7-7 tie, which would result in the subpoena failing.

Also, noteworthy at this point based on Romney now apparently willing to change his mind and support the Johnson move to go after Joe and Hunter Biden: President Donald Trump plans to make a campaign issue of the investigation. Last Wednesday (March 4), Trump tweeted a report about Johnson’s probe and later told Fox News’ Sean Hannity in essence that “portraying the Bidens as corrupt would be a central theme of his reelection campaign,” saying specifically to Hannity in the interview: “That will be a major issue in the campaign. I will bring that up all the time.”

My 2 cents: Related to this, I called Sen. Romney’s DC office (March 6) after reading the above report. I first expressed my gratitude for his impeachment vote and then for his initial stance to block the Johnson committee vote saying it appeared “political.” 

Then I added: But now in this latest from you – saying you would not block the vote, I am sorry to hear that and I personally ask you to still vote “no” and block that committee vote and end this charade. 

Further I said: Both Bidens have been cleared by numerous Ukrainian legal officials several times and over a long time – in short: There is no there there as they say seen here, here, and here.

The Prey: Hunter and Joe Biden & and the Hunter

So, the ball now is as they say in Romney’s court: So, will he stand on principal or stand with Trump applying Trump’s favorite word: “A witch hunt” and thus help end this nightmare. Seems like he will stand with Trump - I guess the GOP got to him???

Thanks for stopping by.

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