Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Wrath of Don: Trump Has Stage 4 Frustration that is Spreading as Bad as Any Virus

My take on this from the Shakespeare's 1606 tragedy
(Matches this 2020 virus crisis)

A lot is being done” says W/H virus Task Force. True, that is if Trump doesn't get pissed off for some childish reason and spew his anger on FOX. Cite this story

(Earlier related posts here and here – FYI). 

Trump should step aside and let the medical and disaster experts take over and he should stop campaigning from that daily Task Force public forum — seems to get worse each session. 

Trump’s latest target is Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who told a radio station Friday (March 27) that medical supply vendors informed her they’ve been told “not to send stuff” to her state amid the battle against COVID-19.

Whitmer didn’t say if the orders were coming from the White House or if vendors may have been intimidated by Trump’s feud with her. 

But she did appear to link the problem to the president because she told WWJ-AM radio in Detroit that she tried to call the White House to discuss the issue. 

She couldn’t get through to Trump, who was at the time trashing Whitmer on Fox News with Sean Hannity wherein Trump called her: That young ... woman governor from Michigan,” adding:We don’t like to see the complaints.”

Whitmer further told WWJ:When the federal government told us that we needed to go it ourselves [medical supplies], we started procuring every item we could get our hands on. But what I’ve gotten back is that vendors with whom we had contracts are now being told not to send stuff here to Michigan.”

Remember that Trump said this recently about helping some states:

(Campaign Ad, but nothing false about the issue) 

My 2 cents: As I said before and will keep saying: Trump is incorrigible. 

That is he is bad beyond correction or reform; he is an incorrigible serial habitual liar who is impervious to any constraint or punishment or accountability; he is an unruly, uncontrollable, nasty, and insulting person in both words and deeds, and relies on revenge for disloyalty from anyone. 

Trump is now “The Wrath of Don in full public view. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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