Friday, February 7, 2020

"The Wrath of Don": 1600 PA Ave "Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold" So, Now it Begins

Impeachment Revenge: You're fired - Get Out 
(It ain't gonna be pretty)

I have asked this question many times, but haven’t we all? “Does history repeat itself?” Right now it sure looks like it. First this quick input:

Maybe retribution is a better word to apply to Trump and his revenge on dismissing LTC Alexander Vindman (and then his twin brother, a lawyer at the same W/H NSC), and then Trump fired his own EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland.
They and several other W/H and high-ranking agency officials all testified under oath and told the truth about Trump’s Ukraine shenanigans. I note: We probably we should expect more from Trump to “fire” or otherwise punish them, too in the coming days.
Retribution is the act of taking revenge, e.g., if you pull a prank on someone, expect retribution from them
Retribution comes from the Latin word “to give back something that’s due, either as a reward or punishment.” But when people mostly talk about retribution, they mean it’s a form of punishment. That fits Trump perfectly – and that is a danger to every American.

Flashback in time to set the scene:

NIXON’s 20 names on his “Enemies” list.
Additional names were added later. That list would grow to nearly 600 names by his Watergate resignation.

Arnold Picker
Alexander Barkan
Edwin Guthman
Maxwell Dane
Charles Dyson
Howard Stein
Allard Lowenstein
Morton Halperin
Leonard Woodcock
S. Sterling Munro
Bernard T. Feld
Sidney Davidoff
John Conyers
Sam Lambert
Stewart R. Mott
Ron Dellums
Daniel Schorr
S. Harrison Dogole
Paul Newman
Mary McGrory

Trump’s “Enemies” list now in effect and under construction.
Lt. Col. Alexander Vidman (most recent to be reassigned or worse)
The Bidens (Joe and Hunter)
Sen. Mitt Romney
Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Rep. Adam Schiff
Sen. Chuck Schumer
The Whistleblower
John Bolton
Amb. Marie Yovanovitch (just retired early)
Others during impeachment list now being compiled.

LATE UPDATE JUST TODAY: Trump fired both Vindman brothers from the NSC, and then late today, Trump fired EU Amb. Gordon Sondland ... Call it his Friday night massacre in full swing, shades of Nixon's Saturday night massacre, October 20, 1973:

Cite: These stories:

My 2 cents: Too bad Trump can’t fire Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) but he damn sure can put huge pressure on him … except Romney is not up for reelection until 2024.

I honestly say to all those GOP Senators who stood by Trump and voted to acquit him: “How do you feel now with this his revengeful assault on two loyal American soldiers and his EU Ambassador, who BTW gave him $1 million for his inaugural ceremony? Very presidential, isn't it?

Are you next… anyone who turns on Trump gets the full Monty sort of.
Congrats then to you GOP senators who betrayed America for this piece slime for what he is doing and BTW: It was expected and predicable.

Thanks for stopping by.

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