Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Trump's Lying and Crime Spree Continues: AG Barr Deeper and Deeper in With Trump

America’s Newest Criminal Cabal [not so secret now]
(Convicted Trickster; Liar-in-Chief/Con; Legal Cover)

Suggested DEM rally chant directed at Trump: “Vote Him Out…”
This gets more horrible with each passing day – case in point today from The Hill. My other post re: Trump-Barr-Giuliani cabal.
Trump congratulates Barr for 'taking charge' of Stone case
Trump on Wednesday (Feb 12) celebrated AG William Barr for “taking charge” of the case against Roger Stone, questioning whether the charges should have been brought against his longtime associate and friend in the first place, tweeting: “Congratulations to Attorney General Bill Barr for taking charge of a case that was totally out of control and perhaps should not have even been brought.”
A DOJ spokeswoman told news outlets that the decision to reduce the sentencing recommendation was made before the president’s tweet.
Trump also told reporters the day before that he didn’t ask DOJ to change the sentence, adding: “I have the bsolute right to do so if he wanted to,” then adding:I didn't speak to them. I thought the recommendation was ridiculous. I thought the whole prosecution was ridiculous. I thought it was an insult to our country and it shouldn’t happen.”
Stone (67), a longtime Republican political consultant and informal adviser to Trump and well-known “dirty trickster since the Nixon days” was convicted at trial last fall of lying to Congress about his contacts with WikiLeaks during the 2016 presidential election, and for pressuring an associate, Randy Credico, to endorse his lies.
WikiLeaks later during the election released emails stolen by Russian agents from the DNC (or as Trump asked them to if they were listening about Hillary Clinton’s “missing” emails, too) reminder here in this short C-SPAN clip:
July 27, 2016

My 2 cents: Related to this overall. NBC News reported late Tuesday that Barr had also taken control of legal matters of interest to the president, including, but not limited to, Stone’s case.
Trump has consistently lashed out at Mueller’s investigation, which did not find evidence of a conspiracy between his campaign and Moscow, as a “witch hunt,” claiming associates like Stone who were charged in connection with the two-year probe were treated unfairly.
Now, Trump's tweet on Wednesday is likely to cause further criticism from Democrats as well as questions about the president’s interest and potential involvement in DOJ matters and Barr's own decision-making.
There is an old saying Mr. Trump. Good advice, suggest you take it:
Trump can't help himself it's in his DNA
(Worse: He is never held accountable)

No how this is spun by the right Trump diehard loyalists, it is troubling and just keeps adding the fact that Trump has to be a “one-man” show – only he in control of every aspect of the country – whatever he says, goes no matter who or what law, policy, or piece of history gets harmed or brushed aside – so long as it financially benefits Trump and his family – that is all that matters and is has been that way since day-one.
November 3, 2020 has to be,  must be a day of reckoning for him and he is voted out of office – assuming that process is fair – which now is also questionable based on McConnell sitting a pile election security bills – we have to wonder why based on the 2016 breaches – this cycle may be worse.
Bills McConnell is sitting on include for Election Security: 
1.    S.2238/H.R.2722, Securing America’s Federal Elections Act, legislation to help safeguard elections from foreign interference, which passed the House with bipartisan support.
2.    S.2242, Foreign Influence Reporting in Elections Act, bipartisan legislation to require presidential candidates to report contact from foreign state actors to the FBI.
3.    S.1247, Duty to Report Act, legislation to require candidates to report offers of assistance from foreign state actors to the FBI and FEC.
4.    S.1540, Election Security Act, legislation to require paper ballots and provide election security grants.
5.    S.2669, SHIELD Act, legislation to prevent foreign interference in elections.
6.    S.1356, Honest Ads Act, bipartisan legislation to apply the existing rules on disclosures in political ads on TV to those on social media platforms.
7.    S.949, For the People Act, a sweeping package of pro-democracy reforms that aims to make it easier, not harder, to vote; end the dominance of big money in politics; and ensure that public officials work for the public interest.
8.    S.890, Senate Cybersecurity Protection Act, bipartisan legislation to provide cybersecurity assistance to the Senate.
9.    S.1834, Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Protection Act, legislation to stop practices designed to prevent Americans from voting.
Thanks for stopping by.

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