Sunday, February 2, 2020

McConnell Delivers for Trump: Two Happy Larks Who Screwed, Blued, and Tattooed Fair Justice

Thumbs up for Trump and middle finger for America
(Verdict about to be signed, sealed, and delivered)

Intro: This impeachment was a foregone conclusion designed by McConnell after his first contact with the W/H lawyers. The public goose was cooked as it were.

What we saw is truly is an American judicial first: The jury foreman (McConnell) meets with accused (Trump) legal team, and together they make a plan to fix the outcome in their favor and probably will get it, too.

Ergo: The trial is a sham, and the outcome is a shame.

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate narrowly rejected Democratic demands to summon witnesses for Trump's impeachment “trial” late Friday (Jan 31), all but ensuring Trump's acquittal in just the third trial to threaten a president's removal in U.S. history. Senators then pushed off final voting on his fate to next Wednesday (Feb 5) – one day after his SOTU address (Feb 4).

The delay in timing showed the weight of a historic vote bearing down on senators, despite prodding by the president eager to have it all behind him in an election year and ahead of this upcoming SOTU speech.

Trump and McConnell spoke by phone to lock in the schedule during a tense night at the Capitol as rushed negotiations proceeded on and off the Senate floor. The trial came to a standstill for about an hour. A person unauthorized to discuss the call was granted anonymity to describe it.

Trump wanted to arrive for his speech at the Capitol with acquittal secured, but that will not happen.

Instead, the trial will resume Monday for final arguments, with time Monday and Tuesday for senators to speak. That will be historical, too. The final voting is planned for 4 p.m. Wednesday, the day after Trump's speech.

Trump's acquittal is all but certain where the GOP holds the majority and there's nowhere near the two-thirds (67) needed for conviction and removal. Also, he will not face damaging testimony from witnesses.

The Dems via NBC News laid out the facts of this shameful GOP display of blatant arrogance and total disrespect for 75% of the public who said basically: “There is a need to have a fair trial and that means with witnesses and any/all new documents.” Clear cut and fair, no exceptions. That did not happen.

As I said, McConnell did his thing and “cooked the goose” and blatantly screwed the public to serve and please Trump – no other explanation fits. 
To prove this is true, McConnell said so in his own words – recall this short clip – his precise statement at this Washington Post video clip:

My 2 cents: Not much to add – now we wait with bated breath to see the dramatic end to this McConnell dog and pony show – as I and others have said, a total and compete sham and now national disgrace and shameful result.
I also predict but may be wrong that Trump will brag like never before during the SOTU address, and we shall also see how many DEMS do not attend.

Thanks for stopping by.

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