Friday, February 14, 2020

Trump's Greatest Con Ever: Got Senate to Acquit Him on Lies He Now Confirms Were Lies

Beyond a shadow of doubt, I never lie.

Based on the following this saying shines brighter

Astonishing story here from The Independent.

My intro: So, Mr. and Mrs. GOP Senator Who Voted to Acquit Trump – how ya’ feeling about right now? Kinda ready to puke with that punch in your gut and Trump’s finger in your eye, or a massive feeling of betrayal like by “Et tu Brute” spoken by Julius Caesar as Brutus helped stab him to death, in all places, the Roman Senate.

Or, maybe you feel like as Judas Iscariot who put the kiss of death on Jesus? 

Well, either way, good for you, and congrats.

The story headlines:

Trump contradicts his own denial and admits he sent Giuliani to Ukraine to dig dirt on political opponents
Trump appears to have been emboldened by his acquittal in the Senate, after a trial that saw his Republican allies increasingly move away from denying he had done anything wrong to merely playing down the severity of his actions in outsourcing attacks on his political rivals to foreign nations.

A mere week after his impeachment acquittal Trump gave a very different response when asked in a podcast interview by Geraldo Rivera who asked:Was it strange to send Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine, your personal lawyer? Are you sorry you did that?”

Trump replied, in a brazen U-turn:No, not all. Rudy was a great crime fighter, you know that, maybe better than anybody. And Rudy is totally on his game.”

So, now Trump now admits sending Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine to dig dirt on a political rival (Joe Biden) and that openly contradicts his own tons of previous denials on that subject during his impeachment inquiry and senate trial and merely days after he was acquitted of all alleged crimes by his lock-step (minus Sen. Mitt Romney vote no on one article) GOP Senate loyalists.

Giuliani of course is the president’s personal lawyer and he remains at the center of this intricate web of shadowy deceit and scheme by Trump in his efforts to get Ukraine to persuade officials there to investigate the Biden’s (Joe and son Hunter who once worked for Burisma – the Ukraine energy giant).

Abuse of power was one of the two articles of impeachment against Trump and now for which he has skated free mostly based on that lie and now, as always the truth has come out as many of us had predicted. 

Fact: Trump needs to brag constantly on himself and claim victory and this story now proves that point more than ever.

Recall that Trump previously insisted he “didn’t direct Giuliani to do anything in Ukraine,” even suggesting the attorney was likely there on behalf of “other clients,” just not him.

He went on to tell Rivera that in fact he had used Giuliani in Ukraine rather than more official channels such as the FBI because “they spied on my campaign in 2016.”

He then again detailed his mistrust of former FBI director James Comey, whom he earlier had fired, saying:So when you tell me, why did I use Rudy – and one of the things about Rudy – number one, he was one of the very best prosecutors, and the best mayor. But also, other presidents had them … they all had lawyers … and they do things for them. It’s really circumventing – but very legally – and maybe getting things done faster.”

Now Trump has embarked on a campaign of vengeance against those who he views as having wronged him during the impeachment inquiry. 

In a move reminiscent of dealings with Ukraine, he also appears to have openly boasted of offering New York governor Andrew Cuomo a deal on a state immigration law in return for dropping investigations into his finances and tax returns.

His new admission regarding Giuliani aligns more closely with what he said during his infamous call with Ukrainian president Zelensky, which sparked the impeachment proceedings.

Transcripts, released by Trump, showed him telling Zelensky he would like him to speak with Giuliani, while suggesting that he investigate Hunter Biden, saying in part: “I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General (Bill Barr). Rudy very much knows what’s happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great.”

Now he has admitted sending Giuliani to Ukraine, it remains to be seen whether the president will row back on other claims of ignorance.

Perhaps most notably, indicted Giuliani associate Lev Parnas – a Ukrainian-born businessman – claims to have been part of Trump-ordered efforts to oust Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, who was seen as an obstacle to any probe into the Biden’s. Parnas has claimed that Trump “knew exactly what was going on.”

But despite a trove of photographic evidence showing the pair together, Trump strenuously denied knowing Parnas, calling him a “con man” and saying: “I don’t know him at all … know nothing about him. I can only tell you this thing is a big hoax.”

My 2 cents: Can’t wait to hear GOP senator’s respond to this story – and I can’t add anything to it – it speaks for itself. I expect they will stay mum out of pure shame.

I also suspect we will see and hear Trump backpedal on this story and say his words were taken out of context or something along that line. We shall see.

Thanks for stopping by.

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