Sunday, December 8, 2019

GOP's New Line to Help Save Trump: Not Russia in 2016 — It Was Ukraine Just Ask Rudy Gee

Trump on down: Zero scruples and not an ounce of integrity
or loyalty to the nation

What a super story here: In an April 2017 interview with the AP, then candidate Trump suddenly began talking about the hack of the DNC a year earlier, complaining that the FBI had not physically examined the compromised server, when he said: “They brought in another company that I hear is Ukrainian-based.”

CrowdStrike?” the surprised reporter asked, referring to the California cyber security company that investigated how Russian government hackers had stolen and leaked Democratic emails, disrupting Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Trump resumed:That's what I heard. Heard it's owned by a very rich Ukrainian; that's what I heard.”

Counter to Trump’s conspiracy BS from – key part:
CrowdStrike said in an official statement:With regards to our investigation of the DNC hack in 2016, we provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI. As we’ve stated before, we stand by our findings and conclusions that have been fully supported by the U.S. intelligence community.”

Now, more than two years later, Trump is still holding on to this wild, false, and crazy conspiracy theory.

So, my inquiry is this: The Senate Intelligence Committee (chaired by Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), during its investigation of 2016 election meddling, found no evidence of Ukrainian interference

1.  Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace asked Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA), “Who do you believe was responsible for hacking the DNC and Clinton campaign computers, their emails — was it Russia, or Ukraine?”
Kennedy responded with the equivalent of a verbal shrug, saying, “I don’t know. Nor do you. Nor do any of us.”

Wallace noted:The entire intelligence community says it was Russia.”
Kennedy:Right. But it could also be Ukraine. I’m not saying that I know one way or the other. I’m saying that Ms. (Dr. Fiona) Hill is entitled to her opinion about.”

2.  Kennedy wasn’t the only Republican to push this talking point. On Meet the PressSen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) did the same thing, telling host Chuck Todd that:Hill is correct that Russia tried to interfere in 2016, [but] also, Ukrainians themselves tried to interfere.”

Todd responded:Isn’t there a big difference between the two? Look, I understand there’s individual Ukrainians who were upset that candidate Donald Trump wanted Crimea to stay with Russia. Is that the same as the Russian government and Putin ordering a full-fledged interference campaign?”

Wicker didn’t answer the question, but said:I’m concerned about both.”

3.  Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, repeatedly insisted during last month’s impeachment hearings that Ukraine had meddled in the 2016 election against Trump not Russia per se.

4.  Many other GOPers and committee members with that same view: Jordan, Gaetz, Gohmert, Ratcliffe, Biggs).

My Q and 2 cents: With that many saying Russia and Putin are innocent and Ukraine is to blame, just like Trump and Putin both say and want, then my main question is: Then how come Trump’s personal lawyer went to the Ukraine last week.

Was he wheeling and dealing for dirt and interference in 2020 if so, why if Ukraine is so bad and Russia was not in 2016?

This GOP hypocrisy knows no bounds. Stay tuned we still have very long way to go.

Thanks for stopping by.

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