Saturday, December 14, 2019

Trump Administration: In Total Full of Liars, Cheats, Dishonest and Plain Mean Nasty People

It basically started in 2016 with a Carter Page meeting 
(Met Putin's Dep For. Min. Lies Flowed Thereafter)

This Major Update here from Russian State Broadcast and from here also of this: Russian state TV brags about Foreign Minister Lavrov standing with “our Puppet Master and his Agent, namely: Donald J. Trump in the Oval Office visit (Dec 10, 2019). Photo of that below.

My 2 cents: One word describes this story and that is Pathetic.

But it also shows the depth of Russian propaganda and this ploy into our politics and entire system (again). Yet, Trump still denies they were involved in 2016.  

I wonder what Putin has on Trump? Probably big, big money ties.

Original story from here (Dated: Dec 14, 2019):

Setting the Scene for following post: A detailed post follows this quick reminder from Carter Page in this ABC video:

Now, the main story:

Trump again meets for Russian FM Lavrov in Oval Office on top their previous meeting (May 10, 2017) wherein Trump told Lavrov and Kislyak: “I just fired Comey.” (NOTE: Trump had fired Comey the day before that meeting).

Both Lavrov and Russian Ambassaor Kislyak appeared happy to hear that news as this photo shows all three yukking it up.

Russian FM. Lavrov, Prez. Trump, Russian Amb. Kislyak
(May 10, 2017 Oval Office Yukking it up)

That May 10. 2017 2017 meeting also came one day after Trump fired then-FBI Director James Comey, which prompted calls for a special counsel to investigate Russian interference into

A week after the meeting, The New York Times reported that, according to a document summarizing the meeting, Trump had told Lavrov and Kislyak that firing Comey removed “great pressure.” 

Trump further said, according to the document, the Times reported:I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.” 

The White House at the time did not deny to ABC News that Trump made the comments.

I note: It is critical to see this link or tie as it were particularly as it now also reflects badly on Carter Page's lie seen in the video above. Very clear to me.

Ahead of this Dec 10, 2019 meeting, Trump signaled frustration with the FBI director he had selected to replace Comey, Christopher Wray, after Wray in an interview with ABC News endorsed the findings in a report by the DOJ IG’s report.

Trump and Russian For. Minister Lavrov in Oval Office
Standing over him like a supervisor (Dec 10, 2019)

That report found the origins of the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 (under Comey ironically) were proper as Wray said that he had “No information that indicates that Ukraine interfered with the 2016 presidential election.” 

Which we all know now (again) is the debunked conspiracy theory pushed by Trump and many of his Republican allies and especially over FOX and during the impeachment hearings.

I note: Now Wray the next in line to be fired for not supporting Trump sustained and new conspiracy that it was Ukraine NOT Russia – hard to avoid that scenario, isn’t it? 

Further, and painfully obvious is that Trump and company committed high crimes, told tons of lies, and now are further and deeper trying to cover it up in their rabid dog PR campaign to discredit, deny, and deflect the truth.

Now this assessment of that Dec 10, 2019 meeting from ABC News: It's unclear why Lavrov was invited to Washington now. National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien told CBS News the White House visit was about “reciprocity” after Pompeo was received by Putin in May in Sochi, Russia.

Pompeo said he was tasked by Trump to try to improve relations and Lavrov's visit was about continuing that:We should have a better relationship – the United States and Russia – than we’ve had in the last few years, and we’ve been working on that since that moment.”

The optics couldn't be any worse,” Andrew Weiss, vice president of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace told The New York Times. Weiss then added:The Russians had managed to send a message to the Ukrainians that they're basically on their own now and need to cut the best deal they can since the U.S. backstop is largely inoperative.”

It seems the administration has not yet been briefed on those meetings by the Ukrainians, although the State Department has not responded to requests for comment.

My 2 cents: Easy to follow isn’t it? Now, will House DEMs and Senate GOPers stand for justice and the country as they always profess in speeches, or will they continue to be a lap dog for and prop up Trump?

Their decision is history in the making considering the mountain of evidence that for any rational level-headed person to see and follow is clear: Trump must be impeached and removed from office and then his other crimes can be pursued at several state levels and rightly so.

Quick review of this:

•  Carter Page lying about Russian contact in 2016.
•  Trump fired Comey over Russian probe.
•  Trump brags to Russians about firing Comey.
  Trump appears to be backpedaling on Ukraine support, still trying to blame them for 2016, and thus giving Putin a huge pass.

Finally … all this points to one thing in my mind: Putin is in total control thus far.

Mostly, who with the Republicans stand with: Our country, or Donald John Trump?

Thanks for stopping by.

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