Sunday, November 24, 2019

Trump: All the Lies, Deceit, Denials, and Deflections Come From and Converge Back to Him

GREEN Dirt Favor; BLUE Favor Source; GOLD Impeachment

My assessment to date:

After all that has been said and done and testified to by 11 outstanding and loyal public officials; by Trump himself; by Trump loyalists; and, nearly the entire GOP, FOX types, and the White House and all who sell only line: Our their side is the only trustworthy side, NOT the 11 key witnesses, not the facts, not the proof, not the actual words of even Trump himself, just what we say.

So, we just flush all that down the drain and move on? Move on to what? A worse outcome if Trump skates freely and has a clear path to do whatever he wants and not that which is best or right for the country.

Left in Trump’s wake: Distrust of government and those honest loyal witnesses and future public officials that Trump mostly alone does not like or trust. Trump would in my opinion destroy any last remaining thread of America and our time-test democratic foundation, which is already on very unstable grounds.

For example as USA Today points out, how many times has Trump liked someone, then praised them or even hired them (he picks only the best people right) just to then kick them in the teeth and toss them aside while professing to “hardly know them?”

That is who he is and what he does, and how he operates.

Then factor in the proof – the evidence – all the true story 
background that brought us to this point: Trump brought up the assertions of Ukrainian 2016 election meddling in his July 25 call with President Zelensky when he directly asked Zelensky: “To do us a favor. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine.”

NY Times report: U.S. intelligence officials all say that Russia’s operation to blame Ukraine has become more relevant as Republicans have tried to focus public debate during the impeachment inquiry on any Ukrainian role in the 2016 campaign and away from Russia.

Republicans have denounced any suggestion that their concerns about Ukrainian meddling are without merit or that they are ignoring Russia’s broader interference.

Not a single Republican member of this committee said Russia did not meddle in the 2016 elections,” Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) said Thursday (Nov 21).

(My insert: What a load of crap but her campaign money is flowing in ever since her stunt like never before and BTW: She is my Congressional Representative).

But, Stefanik and her Republican colleagues on the Democratic-led House Intelligence Committee conducting the impeachment hearing, have also steered clear of the fringe notion that Trump mentioned to Zelensky, which is pushed by Russian intelligence re: “The so-called CrowdStrike server conspiracy theory, which falsely suggests Ukraine, not Russia, was behind the breach of Democratic operatives’ servers.”

Trump repeated the baseless claim Friday (Nov 22) in an interview with “Fox & Friends,” laying out the narrative and doubling down after a host gently pressed him on whether he was sure of one aspect of the debunked theory, that the FBI gave a Democratic server to what Trump had inaccurately described as a Ukrainian-owned company.
Trump: “That is what the word is.”

(Note: CrowdStrike is CA-based hi-tech company NOT owned by nor located anywhere near Ukraine).

Thanks for stopping by.

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