Wednesday, November 20, 2019

John Yoo along with Laura Ingraham: Both Disgraceful Tainting Expert Ukraine Testimony

Yoo and Ingraham Falsely Accuse Vindman of Treason

This story here from AlterNet with this headline:

Bush era torture advocate John Yoo accuses Ukraine expert LTC Vindman of espionage on Fox News

Berkeley law professor (and former torture advocate) John Yoo said on FOX with Laura Ingraham that Army LTC Alexander Vindman, the top Ukraine expert at the White House is engaging in espionage.

Ingraham also tried to paint Vindman, the current White House national security official and a decorated Iraq war veteran, as a double agent. There is nothing to suggest their accusations are true or valid.

Ingraham posited:Here we have a U.S. national security official who is advising Ukraine, while working inside the White House, apparently against the president’s interest, and usually, they spoke in English. Isn’t that kind of an interesting angle on this story?”

Yoo, who infamously wrote the discredited “Torture Memos” that enabled President George W. Bush to allow waterboarding, which is a war crime called Vindman’s situationastounding,” and then he added casually:You know, some people might call that espionage.”

My 2 cents: Legal experts offer opinions at the bottom of this story – check it out. 

Not much more to add except to say FOX should fire Ingraham and ban Yoo from their network – this is shameful.

Thanks stopping by.

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