Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Stephen "Darth" Miller: Trump in Sync With His Racist Anti-Immigration Policy Guru Exposed

Darth Miller Where Trump Wants Anti-Immigration Policy
(Via Breitbart News)

Introduction to this astonishing and very troublesome story from Newsweek:

Leaked emails from White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller from 2015-2016 reveal an obsession with white nationalism, the Confederacy, and the denigration of black and Hispanic communities. 

More than 900 private emails between Miller and a Breitbart News editor, Katie McHugh were examined by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Hatewatch section, revealing that 80% of the messages pertained to race or immigration.

The Miller emails were sent between March 2015 and June 2016, and they straddle Miller's time as an aide to then-Alabama GOP Senator Jeff Sessions, and then his later role on as a senior adviser in candidate Donald Trump’s campaign.

Miller's emails tout eugenics and white nationalist conspiracy theories and he offers news tips to Breitbart on how to cover immigration and and amplify stories about black and Hispanic crime

Original story continues from here or from the supplemental story here

(Note: SPLC updates will be forthcoming – so, bookmark this link).

My 2 cents:  Now apparently while in the White House at Trump’s elbow on immigration policy – Miller is in hog heaven with his ugly policies that mirror Trump’s and that we see weekly or so it seems. 

This is a horrible man serving a horrible president with horrible anti-immigrant policies now in full view.

Thanks for stopping by.

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