Monday, November 4, 2019

Define Dangerous Pompous Ass: Mike Pompeo Secretary of State Par Excellence Hands Down

Everything Right on Track According to Your Plan, Vlad
(Wait and see)

WASHINGTON (NY Times) — As Trump’s first CIA director, Mike Pompeo was briefed by agency officials on the extensive evidence — including American intercepts of conversations between participants — showing that Russian hackers working for the government of Russian president Vladimir Putin had interfered in the 2016 American presidential campaign.

In May 2017, Pompeo testified in a Senate hearing that he stood by that conclusion.

Two and a half years later, Pompeo seems to have changed his mind.
As Trump’s second secretary of state, he now supports an investigation into a discredited, partisan theory that Ukraine, not Russia, attacked the DNC, which Trump wants to use to make the case that he was elected without Moscow’s help, thus pleasing Putin.

Pompeo said last month: “Inquiries with respect to that are completely important. I think everyone recognizes that governments have an obligation — indeed, a duty — to ensure that elections happen with integrity, without interference from any government, whether that’s the Ukrainian government or any other.”

Pompeo’s spreading of a false narrative at the heart of the Ukraine scandal is the most striking example of how he has fallen off the tightrope he has traversed for the past 18 months: demonstrating loyalty to the president while insisting to others he was pursuing a traditional, conservative foreign policy.

Pompeo now finds himself at the most perilous moment of his political life as veteran diplomats testify to Congress that Trump and his allies hijacked Ukraine policy for political gain (push to investigate the Biden’s for Trump gain) and to continue aid. 

Plus, congressional investigators are looking into what Pompeo knew of the machinations of Trump and Rudy Giuliani on that same topic.

In his confirmation hearing for Secretary of State Pompeo sought to convince Senate committee members that he would:

1. Support diplomacy over military action.
2.  Promote democracy as a key tool of U.S. foreign policy.
3.  Commit to workforce diversity.
4.  Defend the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people both as federal employees and as activists overseas. However, he still refused to acknowledge that gay sex isn’t a “perversion.”

His public record while in office shows a very different man. For example, over his six years as a member of Congress, Pompeo’s voting record shows a record of:

1. Embracing mass NSA and CIA surveillance practices on all Americans. He suggested that the government should collect records of all U.S. citizen communications without warrants and in bulk, and to combine them with “publicly available financial and lifestyle information into a comprehensive, searchable database.”
2. Promoting bigotry, championing extreme restrictions on women’s rights, and supporting the CIA’s so-called “enhanced” interrogation practices (buzzword for torture).
3. Supporting and promoting, consistently, legislation that would aggressively roll back women’s reproductive right to choose. 
4.  He voted against reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act. 

(Note: That legislation was never a bipartisan battle until the most recent reauthorization).

My 2 cents: Pompeo is poster for all those sycophants stuck on Trump’s ass for job security, power, and influence – and phony patriotic speeches with no substance. 

One word comes to mind: Hypocrites. 

Thanks for stopping by.      

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