Sunday, August 18, 2019

Behind Trump: Stephen Miller is the 2nd Worst Person Ever to Serve in the White House

With Portrait of Far, Far Away Immigrant Ancestor

WASHINGTON (NY Times via MSN) — When historians try to explain how opponents of immigration captured the Republican Party, they may turn to the spring of 2007, when President George W. Bush threw his waning powers behind a legalization plan and conservative populists buried it in scorn. Mr. Bush was so taken aback, he said he worried about America “losing its soul,” and immigration politics have never been the same. 

The main article is rather long, but worth your time to read it:

At the same time Mr. Bush made that above statement Stephen Miller was 22, just out of college, and looking for work in Washington, DC.
Miller lacked government experience but had media appearances on talk radio and Fox News and a history of pushing causes like “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week.” 

A first-term congresswoman from Minnesota offered him a job interview and discovered they were reading the same book with a polemic warning by Mark SteynMuslim Immigration Could Mean the End of the World as We Know It.” 

By the end of the interview, that fire-brand whack-job Former Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) had a new press secretary.

Later, after arriving in Washington just after GOP right wing forces coalesced over immigration policy, Miller rode those tailwinds with zeal and skill. Warning of terrorism and disturbed by multicultural change, he became the protégé of a Southern senator also especially hostile to immigration, Jeff Sessions (R-AL). And he courted allies in the conservative media and immigration-restriction groups.

Now a dozen years later, Miller is titled: Senior Adviser to President Donald J. Trump. He helps preside over the most fervent attacks on immigration in American history.

The short story of Miller’s rise: It has been told with a focus on his pugnacity and paradoxes. Known more for his enemies than his friends, he is a conservative firebrand originally from liberal Santa Monica, CA. 

He, ironically, is a descendant of refugees and yet now he seeks to eliminate any refugee program. 

He is a Duke University graduate in bespoke suits who rails against the perfidy of so-called elites.

Those who have questioned Miller’s moral fitness include: 

(1) his own uncle  

My 2 cents: Now here we are today with Miller as Trump’s go-to guy for development of his harsh, nasty, and ugly anti-immigrant policy that has been shoved down America’s throat, and in name of what: “To Make and Keep America Great Again?”

I call BS … BTW: When did we stop ever being great?

(FYI: Trump will say under Mr. Obama as he always does).

I say how about at noon on January 20, 2017? And, then the day that Trump hired Stephen Miller to develop and run immigration policy?

My other recent post related to Miller is here — FYI.

Thanks for stopping by.

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