Monday, August 19, 2019

Trump Blames Russia for Missile Treaty Violations: Breaks Treaty & Fires Missiles in Defiance

Trump Memo to Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin
Hello, boys: I’m baaaack — now duck...

Trump the consummate con artist and BS lousy and dangerous deal-maker strikes again. Only this time in the most-serious and horrible way – back to missile firings – the headline:
Do you see the illogical and stupid Trump pattern in this from the article: That is the United States just tested a land-launched cruise missile surpassing a limit set by a decades-old treaty with Russia (the INF treaty).
That is very treaty that Trump just the scrapped and pulled us out of with Russia.
My 2 cents: How pathetically ironic is this? What is Trump’s game?
Right now it seems to be aligned with Putin and Kim, Jong-un, too.
So, what it all means remains to be seen.
When this all goes wrong who will Trump blame? Surely not himself – he never fails right? On this issue, Trump is not even close to being logical or smart – not one bit.
Thanks for stopping by.

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