Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Who’s Leading America: Donald J. Trump or John Bolton – Not a Rhetorical Question

Funny Cartoon, Serious Topic: No Laughing Matter

Mixed Messages to Iran and the World (Washington Post via MSN): Trump says vs. Bolton says – ho lee sheet…!!!

Trump says he is “… willing to speak to Iran with no preconditions.”

Related: However, there is currently no back channel between the U.S. and Iranian governments. Planned sanctions against Iran’s chief diplomat undermined the administration’s message that it seeks unconditional talks with Iranian officials.

From madman, National Security Adviser John “Needs War” Bolton speaking at a conference in Jerusalem with Israeli and Russian counterparts: All that Iran needs to do is: walk through that door and (1) eliminate Iran’s nuclear weapons program, (2) its pursuit of ballistic missile delivery systems, (3) its support for international terrorism, and (4) other malign behavior worldwide.”

I insert: Excuse me, if those are NOT four preconditions, then pray tell, WTF are they?

After that meeting, Bolton told reporters that the U.S. pressure campaign would force Iran to engage in new nuclear negotiations (Reuters report) and he concluded: “They’ll either get the point or, we will simply enhance the maximum-pressure campaign further.” (Predicting that a combination of sanctions and other pressure would bring Iran to the table.”

I insert: If that happens Trump and Bolton both deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, but knowing Iran and their staunch leadership, that is highly unlikely but war is closer thanks to Trump’s most gross error ever (pulling out of the JCPOA) and worse picking Bolton.

Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of Russia’s Security Council, said in Jerusalem that Russian military intelligence shows the U.S. drone in Iranian airspace when shot down. He also described evidence behind oil ship attacks in the Gulf as being of poor quality and unprofessional.

Facts: Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program and has complied with restrictions to its atomic energy activities set out under the 2015 deal it negotiated with world powers, including the United States and regular IAEA confirmation. But, Trump (still constantly hating anything Barack Obama signed or did) abandoned that pact (the JCPOA) and re-imposed a near-total embargo on Iran’s economy, including its oil, shipping, manufacturing, and banking industries.

Iran now for its part says that it is now on course to boost its stockpile of low-enriched uranium beyond the limits prescribed by the deal, a move that arms control experts said does not pose a near-term proliferation risk.

The original agreement signed by the P5+1 curbed Iran’s nuclear energy program in exchange for widespread sanctions relief. Now (since Trump pulled out) those signatories, including the EU, have struggled to maintain the economic benefits promised to Iran under the pact.

My 2 cents: As usual, Trump causes mess, blames something or someone else (e.g., Obama for his policies, Hillary Clinton for losing the election, the Fed, the price of tea in China, composition of the solar system, or anyone disputing Fox and Friends and Hannity), then he takes credit by spewing a series of lies for his greed hungry base to lap up and take at face value. To them, Trump words matter, facts do not...!!!

This is Trump’s M.O. and part of his “Art of the Deal” (or so he says), but in fact it is more like his “Art of the Con” in real time 24/7. 

This whole Trump reality show is apt to much get nastier. 

I predict Trump either will relent on Iran, or he will take the world into WWIII. 

We shall see. Either way, he will claim victory for himself and move on to the more serious issue and that is: Seek out a new like-minded somebody to nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Thanks for stopping by.

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