Friday, June 28, 2019

Trump’s M.O. and Drive to Gain, Keep Hold, and Motivate Loyalists: His Harsh Authoritarianism

Definition of Trump's Lifelong Style for Control 

Techniques (the Glue) Trump Uses for his Supporters

Introduction from articles here and here: Love, support, and loyalty for Trump is based on 100% hatred for any Democrat anyway that is measured, plus Trump spews more hatred than anyone on Earth, and his base loves it – and that is the worse part.

Watch this 6-minute video ( – it sets the scene for the following post:

Who does this describe in our daily 24/7 news cycle?

Sociopath: Someone who is a manipulative liar and lacks empathy with a weak conscience who acts recklessly or aggressively never believing their behavior is wrong. 

Psychopath: A word sometimes interchanged with sociopath, but with a somewhat different meaning. A psychopath has no sense of right and wrong and is generally bolder, more manipulative, and more self-centered than a sociopath. 

Combine those two traits and voilà, you get Donald J. Trump: The most-talented and experienced and highly skilled pathological habitual compulsive narcissistic lying con ever to sit in the Oval Office in American presidential history, or indeed perhaps ever in world history.

Where does Trump fit?

·       An oligarchy is a style of government in which only a few people have any power who very wealthy and use their power and influence to further enhance their financial status.  

·       An aristocracy is government power and influence held by a minority. Aristocrats derive from their family lineage with titles like duke or earl and their families hold power for generations.

·       A monarchy type of government in which there is only one ruler: King or Queen (The Monarch). Like aristocrats, a monarch inherits his or her title. In an absolute monarchy, the monarch exercises total control over all aspects of the government. In contrast, in a constitutional monarchy, like in the UK the monarch is curtailed (by parliament for example).

·       A democracy is a type of government in which power is held by the people who exercise their power of voting to choose elected representatives to serve their wishes.

FYI: The last 5 Communist countries & their populations (as of 2019):  China (1.4 B); Cuba (11 M); Laos (7 M); North Korea (26 M), and Vietnam (96 M).

My 2 cents: No matter what Trump says or does or tries or lies or denies, his loyalists will not abandon him out of their rabid hatred for DEMS as I said and as the video lays out in no uncertain terms – and that is damn scary – for all of us.

We may never recover from the damage from Trump or clean up his debris once known as proud American democracy. Time will tell.

Thanks for stopping by.

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