Sunday, June 30, 2019

Trump at G-20 in Osaka, Japan: Tagging Along & Seeking Center Spotlight Was Daughter Why???

World Leaders React to Ivanka Posing in Group Picture

Washington Post analysis (via MSN) from the G-20 in Osaka, Japan and then Trump in Korea at the DMZ meeting between Trump and Kim Jong-un.
As seen in the photo above, daughter Ivanka Trump-Kushner sits center stage with Daddy during this G-20 conference leader’s photo as several world leaders look on. Their expressions are priceless.
I can only imagine what some of them thought, things like:
WTF; who does she think she is; pitiful; disgusting; undignified; shameful; unseemly; undiplomatic; arrogant; snooty; improper; unsuitable, flat out wrong; ho lee sheet; and another Trump insult to world leaders and partners.
My 2 cents: My first reaction was that it was un-presidential, but totally Trumpish.
That style is to take things to the limit while not caring about any fallout or backlash. If any, just spin it for Trump Inc.’s sake and of course always for his personal and financial gain as much as possible.
Truly pitiful.
Thanks for stopping by.

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