Sunday, June 2, 2019

Trump Obstruction of Justice 100% Real: DEMS Must Act Now and GOP Must Wake Up Now

Got your back. Okay. We need heads up for Prez & Country.
(Translation: To protect GOP brand name)

Major source that shows blatant attempts at obstruction of justice by Trump’s campaign with a related story here and key legal point here

FYI: Trump’s former National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, provided Mueller information about possible Trump camp efforts to interfere and or obstruct the investigation, according to documents cited above and with blatant examples, and here (from Fact Check).

From Mueller’s Report: 10 episodes where Trump might have obstructed justice

In a filing attached to Flynn’s sentencing memorandum, Federal prosecutors said:Flynn informed the government of multiple instances, both before and after his guilty plea, where either he or his attorneys received communications from persons connected to the Administration or Congress that could have affected both his willingness to cooperate and the completeness of that cooperation.”

Major Update: Now an *audio recording from Trump’s lawyer, John Dowd, to Flynn’s lawyer has been released. The B/L: Dowd reminded Flynn’s lawyer of the president’s “feelings toward Flynn” and concluded: “That still remains.” Ergo: “Give us a heads-up and tell Michael how the President feels about him.” (Implication: “Zip it and get a pardon if needed)” (sic).

* Flynn not only told investigators about all communications but he also provided the special counsel’s office with that voicemail (from Bloomberg).

My summary of all this: Mueller prosecutors said in their filing to the court that they were not aware of some of those “collusion” attempts until Flynn informed them. I ask what now? 

Possibly: (1) Flynn skates totally, (2) Flynn gets some jail time (less than was ever expected), or (3) Flynn gets fine and slap on the wrist with say 5-years of probation? 

Hard to tell and know outcome. 

Stay tuned. Thanks for stopping by.

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