Thursday, May 30, 2019

Trump-Barr Tag Team: Aligned to Discredit Mueller, His Report, His Integrity, His Honor

Barr's Handbook for His Brand of Justice in America
(Mirrors Trump's Previous View)

Proof that Trump loves “the poorly educated” – reflection time:

Trump in Nevada (Feb 23, 2016)

Special counsel Robert Mueller devoted much of his 10-minute remarks on May 29 to explaining why his office did not reach a determination about whether Trump committed obstruction of justice. 

History of this developing mess: 

Democrats have continued to criticize AG Barr for mischaracterizing the findings on that point (obstruction of justice) in the Mueller report. 

Fact compares what Mueller said in his May 29 remarks with how Barr has characterized Mueller’s decision not to make a formal determination on obstruction charges against Trump. 

They then reviewed Barr’s March 24 letter, his April 18 press conference (on the same day he released the redacted version of Mueller’s 448-page report), and his then his May 1 testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. 

Fact Check then juxtaposed all of Barr’s comments on the question and issue of obstruction contained in Mueller’s report and in his recent 10-minute statement. 

That entire Fact summary is here – check it out. 

Related articles also here and here.

My 2 cents: Barr needs to again under oath address this new tactic of twisting Muller’s words in the report and his statement – all designed even for a novice how he and trump continue their tag-team attack on Muller to discredit him, his report, now his very words from his May 29 10-minute statement. 

Apparently Trump and Barr both believe that no one is as smart as they are, can’t read and comprehend English, or didn’t understand a single word Mueller said on May 29 … only they are savvy and entrusted tell the public what to believe. 

That is only what they say and not the facts and truth of this matter. 

They are both arrogant and out of touch with the vast majority of Americans. 

B/L: The House DEMS must draw up articles of impeachment and in fact, impeach him – then let the GOP-run senate refuse to remove him, that will cause them to answer to the public and suffer huge losses in 2020 and rightly so. 

Stay tuned… and as always thanks for stopping by.

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