Thursday, July 4, 2019

Trump's Fav Props: Before, During, and After Some Major Speech or Event Happening

Behind Trump: His Go-To Backers and News Voice
(Fox and Fiends: No, no a typo)

Case in point: this story (video included): No quasi-authoritarian celebration would be complete without fawning commentary from state TV propagandists. 

The co-hosts of Fox & Friends, the Fox News morning program Trump adores for treating him as the hero of every story, played that role with glee on Wednesday.

Trump has seized control of Washington, DC’s traditionally nonpartisan, nonpolitical July 4 celebration in an unprecedented fashion. An event that typically revolves around civic patriotism will take on an overtly military cast with flyovers from military jets and tanks and other armored vehicles on display in a manner reminiscent of parades in dictatorships.

A holiday that should mark our nation’s independence will instead be all about Trump. He is expected to give a campaign-style speech at the Lincoln Memorial at the height of festivities, whose ballooning cost required the National Parks Service to divert nearly $2.5 million originally earmarked for parks across the country.

Also, in a clear sign of the day’s overt politicization, the RNC has access to a block of tickets to Trump’s remarks and is distributing them to high-dollar GOP donors.

My 2 cents: This is a very valid reason to despise FOX, or at least another reason to despise them.

If FOX keeps listing those who “are undermining” the country, then FOX need only peer in the nearest mirror to see #1 on that list.

Thanks for stopping by.

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