Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Immigrants and Decent Immigration Policy: Worst Night Coming True With This Harsh Triad

Do We Cheat Em and How — Darth Miller; The Don; and Kush

This shocking story comes from Salon.com – the general highlights follow: 

While Donald Trump has loudly attacked the low-hanging fruit that is illegal immigration, his administration has quietly implemented a xenophobic crackdown on legal immigrants. 

Look back to January 2018 Oval Office meeting when an exasperated Trump asked Senate leaders gathered there to discuss reforms to the legal immigration system asking point blank:Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”

Now two years after first outlining his push against people from those so-called countries legally emigrating here, Trump finally followed up on his threats and introduced a sweeping immigration reform plan. It was immediately panned by his own party with Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) saying: “We seem to never fail to miss an opportunity to fail.”

This new Trump plan, crafted by son-in-law Jared Kushner and top White House adviser, Stephen Miller, would slash legal immigration in certain categories without expanding it anywhere else under this so-called Trump “merit-based proposal.”

Immigrants would be selected through a point-based system that scores for (1) extraordinary talent, (2) professional and specialized vocations, and (3) exceptional academic track records.” But even that appears dead on arrival in the Republican-led Senate.

Trump’s State Department announced this week with two major changes to the “Diversity Immigrant Visa Program (DIVP),” which Trump has repeatedly maligned.

• The first new rule requires applicants to already have a passport at the time of application.

• The second mandates that any typographical error on the application results in immediate, unappealable disqualification.

Trump's proposal to circumvent Congress in pursuit of crushing this program is in line with his notion of wanting fewer people from those “shithole countries” — effectively anywhere in the global South — and more from rich white countries in Europe (recall that Trump said more people that come from Norway).

Depending on the country, passports can be logistically and financially difficult to come by, so this new requirement will reduce the number of applicants — with poor applicants and those from rural areas likely taking the biggest hit.

Established in 1990, the DIVP is meant to encourage immigration to the U.S. from countries with historically low rates of emigration. It was initially created to revive dwindling European immigration after Irish-American and Italian-American lawmakers argued that the “old seed immigrant groups were being shut out by newer groups from Asia and Latin America.”

That program also helps balance the U.S. immigration system’s tendency to favor individuals who have close relationships with family members or employers in the U.S. who are able to sponsor their visas.

Only nationals of low-admission countries — defined as any country with fewer than 50,000 natives admitted to the U.S. in the previous five years, such as Cameroon or Sri Lanka — are eligible to enter the diversity lottery.

Citizens of countries with the most legal immigrant arrivals in recent years — such as Mexico, Canada, China and India — are not eligible to apply. Additionally, no more than 7% of the year's available visas may go to natives of any one country.

In 2015, the year with the most recent available data, 41% of diversity lotto visas were granted to natives of African countries. The single largest number that year went to Nepal.

The odds of getting a visa this way are severely low: Almost 14.7 million people from all over the world entered the lottery last year. 100,000 were randomly selected to undergo extensive screening, which includes identity confirmations using biometrics, criminal investigation and in-person interviews.

Lottery entry requirements also include at least a high school education, or two years of work experience within the past five years in an occupation that requires at least two years of training or experience to perform. Ultimately, permanent visas are limited by law to only 50,000 people per year.

Trump says:Diversity lottery. Sounds nice. It’s not nice. It’s not good. It hasn’t been good in the past. We’ve been against it.”

He went on to claim falsely (in typical fashion) that countries are taking advantage of the lottery program, saying in 2017 of such countries that: “they give us their worst people, they put them in a bin, then the worst of the worst are selected.”

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders falsely claimed that immigrants coming to the U.S. through the diversity visa are not vetted before their arrival. FYI: In reality, countries have no way to nominate their citizens and cannot select who they’d like to get rid of.

My 2 cents: Imagine this had been in effect when Trump’s grandfather came to the U.S. from Germany as a 16-year old escaping mandatory military service, or Stephen Miller relatives (recall one was refused citizenship for “being too ignorant.”) 

Yeah, just imagine that.

Talk about racism at the highest level from any president ever in American history – wow – this is it.

Thanks for stopping.

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