Friday, May 10, 2019

Trump Learned Tax Schemes From His Father: Is He Smart on Taxes, or a Clever Tax Con Man

Like Father, Like Son: Always keep the truth hidden
(Trump tax schemes: Clever or Crooked)

The easiest, yet the busiest job ever: Fact-checking Trump.”

Latest Trump whoppers [click here]: 17 hours covering 17 topical lies.

My 2 cents: Wow – what an article – as if we didn’t know that Trump just recently topped the 10,000 lie mark. That is for most level-headed rational-thinking people, but not for Trump loyalists and ass-kissing GOP sycophants (e.g., Sens. McConnell and Graham, just to name two high-ranking GOPers).

B/L: How can any ever believe or trust one single thing Trump says or promises. His whole life has been built on the same foundation: Lying, cheating, fraud, hype, and insulting name-calling, and based on the recent NY Times exposé on Trump’s tax history, to include possibly money laundering and deep foreign ties.

Related to this whole Trump tax schemes – also from the NY Times.

Highlights: The story of how Trump sidestepped a potentially ruinous tax bill emerged from documents recently discovered by The Times during a search of casino bankruptcy filings

Trump structured his companies to allow him to have lucrative personal tax advantages, while limiting his personal liability should business go bad.

Graphic: How the Trump rip-off scheme works:

The truth must prevail yet Trump is now in full-blown campaign mode and stumping with his same fiery speeches to his flock. 

The odds are building against Trump – so, stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by.

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