Saturday, May 4, 2019

Putin Talked to "Asset": U.S. Officials in the Dark, Russian Officials Know Everything — Oops

Same dress, same salute, same smile
(Agenda: Same, same)

Introduction (from The Hill): One thing for sure, the Trump presidency is anything but boring. In fact, almost every week, if not every day, for the last two years, there’s been at least one “I can’t believe this is happening” mo

Background: As previously and first reported by The New York Times, the FBI was so worried about Trump’s coziness with Russian officials that they suspected he might actually be on the Kremlin’s payroll. That’s right. They actually launched a counterintelligence investigation to determine if the president of the United States of America is a foreign agent.

Interestingly enough, given the opportunity to respond to the NY Times story (link below) on FOX News, Trump did not directly deny it, when host Jeanine Pirro asked:Are you now or have you ever worked for Russia, Mr. President?” 
Trump answered: “I think that’s the most insulting thing I’ve ever been asked.” 

That’s a deflection, not a denial. Then, on top of that New York Times bombshell, came another report by The Washington Post that Trump has gone out of his way not to disclose the contents of his one-on-one conversations with Putin on five different occasions

Not only were the Secretary of State, the National Security Adviser and other top national security staff not included in those private meetings, they were not briefed on them afterward. 

Plus, after their one-on-one 2017 session in Hamburg, Trump even went so far as to confiscate notes taken by his interpreter and ban him from discussing details of the meeting with other administration officials.

You can bet Putin didn’t follow the same rule. That means Russian intelligence officials today know all about what Trump and Putin discussed, and what secret deals they might have made.

And all the while U.S. intelligence officials know nothing. Oops …

My 2 cents: Trump may not be a Russian asset, and even if so, he would never admit it … Trump being Trump. 

So, Trump may not be a “traditional Russian asset,” but boy his actions and words certainly speak volumes that he likely is a tool for Putin to help him get what he wants whether from us or our international allies – things that benefit Putin.

We shall see what unfolds from here on out – stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by.

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