Saturday, May 18, 2019

FAUX Gnus Nitwork: Infamous for Bringing Out and Bringing In Crazies — Recent Show Example

Laura Ingraham Interviews Dinesh d’Souza
(May 17, 2019)

Another crock of BS from the ultra-right wing nitwit TV show with guest, the guy who was born in India and came to the U.S. as “exchange student” in 1978 when he was17 years old. He became a citizen in 1991 when he was 31 years old. His background here:

DINESH D'SOUZA on FOX (naturally):  “The reason that the Democrats have a special interest in the illegals is they want to sort of transform the demographics of America, even though illegals can't vote, over time, illegals have children, their children are American citizens, they grow up, they can vote.”

And moreover, the blurring of the distinction between legals and illegals, which is not only what the Democrats do, the media does this all the time, is aimed at perpetuating the lie that Republicans, quote: ‘Hate Hispanics or hate Mexicans.’ So, by focusing the notion of legal immigrants in America, they can convey this idea that Republicans are somehow against immigrants which is in fact not the case.”

The FOX show interview with Laura Ingraham (2:30 minute clip) can be seen [click] here via Media Matters.

My 2 cents: Pretty clear from this segment that two elements work faithfully to undermine our democracy by spreading their BS – this FOX segment makes my point clearly.

Thanks for stopping by.

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